Page 84 of Holding Her Heart

“This is my place, Mum. Who I have here is none of your business. It’s 8 a.m. for God’s sake!”

“So, she’s keeping you from work? Because you’d usually be at the office by now. This is already a mistake!” Angela threw up her hands. And then she started to pace. Pacing was never good. It usually involved a lot of ranting. “I mean, how can you possibly be dating a woman?”

“Quite easily,” Eden said. “And no, she’s not keeping me from work. In case you forgot, I’m supposed to be in Spain.”

“None of this makes any sense, Eden. I just…I don’t understand.”

Eden exhaled a breath. There was no use arguing with her mother. They could be civil. She moved towards Angela and guided her to the couch. “What exactly don’t you understand?”

“You’ve never dated a woman.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you would have told me.”

Okay, Angela had a point. Eden would have told her. But that didn’t mean that this had to be difficult to understand. It was straightforward as far as Eden was concerned.

“And I don’t know. It just seems…off.”

“Off or wrong?” Eden quirked an eyebrow. She’d never thought for one second that her mum would be so against this. “Because you were perfectly happy when Blair met Dom.”

“It’s different.”

“How so?”

“Blair isn’t my child. I may love her as though she is, but she’s not. You are. And that is where my priorities lie. With you and wanting what’s best for you.”

Eden opened her mouth to speak, but she wasn’t sure she had any comeback. Did it really matter who gave Eden what was best? Did gender really matter? It hadn’t felt that way last night when Aster treated her with respect in the bedroom.

“In my opinion,” Aster said, her voice filtering through the air, “what’s best for Eden is whatever she decides, and what I have between my legs shouldn’t play a part in that.” Eden and Angela turned at the same time. Aster stood towel drying her hair in the doorway of the bathroom. “And I completely understand your uncertainty, any parent would probably feel the same way, but Eden makes me incredibly happy. I’d hope she felt the same way about me.”

Eden smiled, tears pricking her eyes. “I do.”

“When I met your daughter, I didn’t realise I was even looking for a relationship. I had no idea the impact she would have on me from working with her.”

Angela cleared her throat. “She’s a successful businesswoman.”

“I know. And I love watching her around the office. Her confidence is pretty astounding. She knows what she wants, and I think her success is proof of that.”

“What exactly can you offer her?”

Eden’s heart sank. The tone in Angela’s voice didn’t go unnoticed by either of them. That was clear in the way Aster’s eyebrow rose.

“Support. Someone to come home to and talk about her day with. A shoulder if she’s having a bad day. Trust, understanding, compassion, space when Eden needs it…and one day, love. The same things any couple would or should offer one another.”

Eden glanced in her mum’s direction. Angela simply stared Aster down.

“I’m not sure what you think the point of me being here is, but I know it’s nothing you could be thinking. I don’t want Eden because of who she is in business. I want her because of how she makes me feel when we’re together.”

“And what does your mother think of this? You must be what…in your early twenties?”

“I’m flattered, but I’m 32. And my mother would be thrilled I’d found someone like Eden. I know she would. But since she’s no longer around, I don’t have the pleasure of introducing them to one another.” Aster cleared her throat, eyeing Eden momentarily. A tear fell down her cheek as she smiled. “I should probably head off. Leave you two to discuss everything.” Aster dragged her hair up into a wet ponytail, turning her back. Eden’s heart broke for her. But then Aster turned back suddenly, another tear gathering at her jawline. “I know what I want, but Eden, if this is too much for you…if it’s going to turn your family against you, I completely get it, okay?”

Eden got to her feet, frowning. “N-no.”

“Babe, just give it some time,” Aster said. “I don’t want you to come to any rash decisions. Talk things through with your mum, and when you know, you know.”

Eden lowered her head, her eyes closing as she fought back the urge to cry. Why did her mum have to come here this morning and ruin everything?