Page 65 of Holding Her Heart

“I will.”

Blair cleared her throat. “And I’m sorry. I never meant for last weekend to happen.”

“It doesn’t even matter anymore. I’ll call you. Love you.”

“I love you, too.”

* * *

Aster blew out a shaky breath, turning her watch towards her. Eden was due at the restaurant any minute now, but she had a sinking feeling that her date wouldn’t show. Aster had insisted she pick her up on the way, but Eden was determined to arrive alone. She shouldn’t think too deeply into it, but Aster’s mind had run into overdrive. If Eden didn’t show…devastated wouldn’t come close to how she’d feel.

She’d built herself up all day, had numerous pep talks from Grace, and now here she was. Waiting. Just…waiting. And this was the part she hated most. Standing around with no idea what would happen. And then Aster’s attention turned to how remarkable Eden would look tonight if she did show up. In all honesty, she wasn’t satisfied that she looked good enough to be on Eden’s arm.

Will I be on her arm? Would that happen? Could they walk into the restaurant as a couple, or would Eden prefer a more subtle entrance? As friends, perhaps? Aster had it all planned out in her head. The hand on the small of her back, the eyes across the table, the innuendo. But what if Eden didn’t want that? What if Aster was getting way ahead of herself? God, this wasn’t good. The feeling she had inside didn’t feel as wholesome as she’d like it to.

She’d never dated someone who wasn’t out. And she’d always told herself she wouldn’t. Aster liked to show off the woman she was dating. She wanted the entire restaurant to know that she’d bagged someone beautiful, someone who made her heart sing.

But tonight, that may not happen, and it was something she would have to accept. She’d agreed to give Eden time to figure this all out, to process it all when she was good and ready, but she already itched to kiss her in the street. Slip her hand to Eden’s backside as they walked together. Public displays of affection didn’t frighten her in the slightest.

Okay. Play it cool. Go slow. Give her time. That was the logical thing to do. If Aster got too comfortable with this, Eden could break her heart. Yes, this was a date—she assumed—but it was also a chance to get to know one another on a different level. Something more intimate. It didn’t mean they were together or that they would end up marrying one another. It meant that they wanted to eat dinner together. Maybe see where things went. You have to remember that. Protect your heart…while holding hers.

A white cab pulled up outside the restaurant. Aster couldn’t see who was inside, the windows were tinted, but her body told her it was Eden. It told her that she was about to go on a date with a woman who was a million miles from what she thought she’d ever be lucky enough to date. The door opened, and Aster knew immediately who those slender, tanned legs belonged to.

H-holy shit. Eden stepped out, her long dark tresses flowing down the front of her shoulders. And she wore the dress. Aster swallowed hard before Eden caught her eyes, smiling as she gripped her clutch bag in her hands.

“Hi.” Eden had gone for false eyelashes tonight. But they weren’t too much. Just the right length. They only brought out the definition in her eyes further. The dark makeup surrounding them had Aster squeezing her thighs together. She was a sucker for a woman with come to bed eyes. “I’m not late, am I?”

Aster distracted herself, looking at her watch. “Nope. Right on time.”

“Okay, good.” Eden stepped closer, pressing a kiss to Aster’s cheek.

Okay, not what I was hoping for…but it’ll do.

“You look remarkable.” Aster refrained from taking Eden’s hand, instead shoving her own in her pockets. If she didn’t keep them out the way, they would be trailing Eden’s body for the world to see. “And you don’t know how happy I am that you actually showed up.”

Eden wore a slight frown. “You thought I’d stand you up?”

“I…can’t believe we’re going to dinner together. So, yeah. It kinda was at the back of my mind.”

“Well, I’m here. And I’m looking forward to having dinner with you. Should we go in?”

“Definitely.” Aster opened the door, holding it for Eden. “After you.” Eden offered a shy smile, passing by Aster. But it hadn’t been the best idea. Aster’s eyes were now firmly glued to Eden’s arse. “Did, uh…did you go into the office today?” She shook herself from her thoughts, aware that she was almost drooling.

“No. I stayed home and got ready for tonight.” Eden glanced over her shoulder as they waited to be seated. “I may have had a slight panic, but I’m fine now.”

“Why did you panic?” The same reason as you. Don’t pretend you’ve been cool all day.

“This is all very new to me. I’ve never been to dinner with a woman before. I mean, I have, but not like this.” Eden smiled, interrupted by the waiter.

Once seated, Aster lifted the menu, unsure as to what was and wasn’t acceptable this evening. If Eden wasn’t worried about people seeing her, she surely would have taken Aster’s hand, perhaps linked arms as they made their way inside. The not knowing was frustrating.

She lowered her menu. “Hey, so I was wondering what’s what with us tonight?”

“I don’t understand.” Eden’s eyes remained on the menu.

“Like, are we here as friends, so to speak? A business meal, I don’t know…”

“A business meal?” This time Eden did look up from her menu, confusion etched on her face. “Why would we be having a business meal?”