“Then you should probably eat something more substantial than a donut.” Aster snorted, setting it all down on the desk. They’d become good friends since Eden turned up at Aster’s flat. Three weeks on from the sweet bunch of flowers, and she was finally coming to terms with their friendship status rather than anything else. Eden, when she wasn’t being all sexy and sultry, was a lot of fun. And it beat losing her entirely. “And before I forget, I found a bikini online I’m considering buying.”
“Why are you only considering it?”
“Um, because it might not look good on me.”
Eden beckoned Aster closer, waiting expectantly for her phone with her palm held out. “Let me see. I’ll tell you.”
Aster swallowed, handing her phone over. “Be honest. I don’t want to look a state while I’m away.”
Eden tapped her chin, adding in the occasional ‘hmm’ as she looked at it from different angles. “I think it’ll look great on you.”
“Really?” Aster deadpanned.
“I wouldn’t tell you to wear something if I didn’t think it’d look good. Don’t forget, I have to walk around with you.”
“Ah. Cramping your style am I, Miss Kline?”
Eden arched an eyebrow, smiling. “Not likely.”
Aster took her phone back, adding the item to her online basket. As she eased into her seat, kicking her feet up onto Eden’s desk, she sighed. Could she buy this bikini? Would everyone think she was out of her mind for attempting to pull off such a style? “Maybe I should order some shorts to go with it…”
“Why? You’ve got great legs.”
Aster bookmarked that response for a time when she was feeling shitty about herself. When Eden complimented her, life felt amazing. And that seemed to be happening more often than not recently. They’d spent so much time together lately that Aster had to call Eden this morning and ask her to bring the clothes she’d left at her apartment through the week. She was yet to cook for Eden, but she wasn’t pushing it. They’d eaten out a handful of times though, and it was pleasant. It’s enough. Remember that.
“Anyway, never mind planning holidays.” She held up a hand as she flipped the lid on the box of donuts. “I can’t believe we don’t have any work on this weekend.”
They didn’t usually work at the office on weekends—events happened mostly—but Eden had some things to take care of, so Aster decided to make full use of the editing suite. She would only sit at home in her pyjamas otherwise. Funnily, she was yet to do any work.
“I know. I can’t remember the last time I had an entire weekend to myself.”
“You coming out tonight?”
Eden stopped typing. “It’s Saturday. I thought the team went out on Sundays?”
“Usually. Unless the Sunday game gets cancelled, which is what’s happened. They prefer a Saturday because then nobody is hungover for work on Monday morning.”
“Ah. That sounds more like my kind of night out. I can’t abide a hangover on a Monday morning. It ruins my week.”
“So?” Aster shoved a donut into her mouth, moaning as she got a hint of the custard filling. She didn’t usually eat donuts, but it was Saturday, and she was in a good mood. “Mm. That’s divine.”
Eden watched Aster as she licked her lips, and then she suddenly frowned, clearing her throat. “Okay. If you’re going, I’ll be there.”
“Don’t pretend you’re only coming out for me. Blair and Dom will probably be there, too. And Grace…with Mia.”
Eden’s eyes twinkled. Aster hadn’t realised it at first, but Eden lived a simple life. And the more time they spent together, the stronger their bond became. “I know. But I prefer your company. You’re the only one who makes sense during a conversation most of the time. I like that. I prefer that.”
“Well, thanks.” Aster grinned. Seemed she wasn’t so boring after all.
Eden busied herself on the computer. “So, what time should I be ready?”
“Whatever time you want to meet us there. Early, late, it doesn’t matter.”
“What?” Aster spoke with her mouth full, almost choking on her sweet treat.
“I hoped we could head to the club together. But if you already have plans, I can arrive alone.”