Page 39 of Holding Her Heart

“That’s the spirit.” Blair clapped, excitement overtaking her.

As much as Eden loved her reaction, it didn’t change anything for her. Aster may not have the slightest interest in her anymore, and then this worry and panic would all be for nothing. “God, I feel totally up the wall with all this. It’s really thrown me.”

“I’m not surprised. But you have me, your favourite lesbian, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.” Blair stepped forward, hugging Eden. And then she pulled back. “Well, except when you find yourself in bed with her. I’ll see myself out at that point.”

“Don’t put thoughts like that in my head.”

“Eden Kline, you minx!”

Eden blushed. She couldn’t believe she was discussing another woman with Blair. She certainly wouldn’t have said that was her plan recently. In fact, relationships were the last thing on her mind, as always. But now, with Aster in the picture, life felt entirely different. “Let me do this slowly. I don’t want to fuck it all up.”

“I want so much happiness for you. Give the rest of them the middle finger.”


Aster stared down at her phone, frowning as she read the text message from Dom back to herself. It was a wonderful offer, but Aster had no idea why she’d been invited to have dinner with Blair and Dom this evening. The rest of the team had to be involved, surely, but it was short notice, and Aster didn’t take too kindly to that.

I should probably make an effort. She pushed the door open that led to the hallway, still staring down at her phone as she pressed the call button for the lift. She had an hour to herself, so she was headed out with her camera for some fresh air. The Three Graces needed some new snaps, and the dock was looking appealing this afternoon with the sun shining down on it. She would sit down to lunch there.

The bell dinged, and Aster walked straight inside, colliding with a body as she felt the suspension in the lift greet her. She looked up, startled. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Eden.”

“That’s okay,” Eden said, taking a slight step back. “I was in a world of my own, too.”

Aster flushed when her eyes landed on Eden’s cleavage. It wasn’t intentional; her boss was simply taller than her. Even more so in heels. “Well.” She cleared her throat. “I’m headed out for an hour before I finalise the images from the Carmichael wedding. I’ve spoken with Jules, and she’s happy with everything I’ve sent over.”

“You’re very efficient.”

Aster couldn’t help but notice how alluring Eden’s eyes were this afternoon. If she stared long enough, she was certain she’d get lost in them. “Just doing my job.” Her voice was hoarse as she spoke, but to hell with it. Her boss was drop dead gorgeous. “Can I bring you anything back?”

Eden glanced at her watch. “I have some free time. I could join you?”

“I…wouldn’t say no to that offer.” Careful! That tone could be considered flirtatious. “Like, it beats sitting alone in a bistro or whatever.” Okay, being cool didn’t suit Aster. She would take note of that.

“I don’t want to intrude on your free time, so I can step off now and let you get on with your lunch hour.” Eden offered a small smile, taking a step towards the door.

“No.” Aster planted her feet in front of the open doors, aware that she probably looked slightly idiotic. They hadn’t spoken since last week, Eden had unexpectedly taken time off work, but it was now Monday, and Aster knew she couldn’t avoid her boss forever. “Sorry. I’d like you to join me for lunch. If you still want to.”

“I do.” Eden smiled, the lift doors closing. “Did you have somewhere in mind?”

“The little Italian on the dock?”

Eden licked her lips. “Sounds like my kinda lunch.”

“You’re into Italian then?”

“Very much so,” Eden said, gripping her handbag on her shoulder. She wore a cream skirt suit, the colour complimenting her olive skin tone. “Who isn’t?”

“I should cook for you sometime.” Aster needed to curb her thoughts, but they were flowing out of her without a care in the world. Why, on God’s great earth, would Eden possibly want to have dinner with her? And at her own flat? Stop falling over yourself for this woman. Just because it hadn’t worked out with Esme didn’t mean Aster should turn her attention back to Eden. But it was hard not to. Eden was, well…Eden.

“That sounds lovely, but I’m not sure your girlfriend would approve. I expect your evenings are dedicated to her. A-as they should be.”

“Oh, that didn’t work out.” Aster wouldn’t explain why. Doing so would mean telling Eden how she felt about her.

Eden shifted slightly; her eyes glued to the metal doors. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s no big deal.”

And then Eden turned around, that soft smile Aster loved playing on her lips. “I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me. Maybe we could get together one evening and discuss upcoming events that require your services.”