Page 31 of Holding Her Heart

“I…have a date.”

Dom’s eyebrows rose with surprise, and then she swigged her drink. “So, everything you told Blair is over and done with?”

Aster scoffed, scanning the room for Blair. She could throttle her. “She told you?”

“Of course she did. She’s my fiancée.”

That made sense. If the shoe were on the other foot, Aster would one hundred percent expect her partner to be honest. So long as Dom didn’t let it slip, everything would be okay. “You won’t say anything, will you?”

“No, mate. That’s not my style. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“T-thanks.” Aster’s stomach swirled with anxiety. She’d never been in this position before and now that Dom knew, she felt like the ultimate fool. The more people who knew about her feelings for Eden, the more likely it was that the team would find out. And while Aster could deal with being the butt of their jokes, she would never want Eden to be subjected to that. “I’ll bet you two had a good laugh at my expense, didn’t you?”

“Quite the opposite actually. Blair felt sorry for you when you told her. But she was also concerned about Eden, which I’m sure you can understand.”

Aster nodded.

“I mean, we could have both told you to go for it, but I’ve never gotten the impression that Eden is gay, mate. With Blair it was kinda obvious, but Eden is the total opposite.”

“I know she’s not gay. I was letting my thoughts get the better of me. But that’s over now. I have a date tonight, and I’m happy. Eden is a good friend who I don’t want to lose.”

“Good for you.” Dom smiled. “I hope it all works out for you. I’d better go and find Blair before she threatens to divorce me again.”

“You’re not even married yet.”

“Oh, she’s still threatened to divorce me before the day comes.” Dom laughed, shaking her head. “Women, eh?”


* * *

Eden rushed through the doorway of the club, lowering her umbrella as the rain pelted the pavement. Tonight wasn’t supposed to be spent at a bar. She should have been home with a cuppa and the worst TV imaginable, but Blair had twisted her arm earlier when she explained that tonight was more of a meeting between the team and their new manager than a regular night out.

So, here she was, standing in the doorway to a club in the pissing down rain. Blair owed her one. And she would make sure her best friend knew that once she was inside.

Eden shoved her umbrella into the stand near the door, shaking the rain from her knee length coat. She spied Blair at the bar, rushing to catch her before she placed her order. “Hey! I’ll have a large white wine since you’ve dragged me out in this weather.”

“Nice to see you too, bestie.” Blair grinned that stupid grin she always wore when she got her own way. “One large white wine, coming up.”

“And I want another after it,” Eden said, glancing around the dancefloor. Truth be told, she was looking for one person in particular. “Everyone here?”

“Yep. The whole team. Which is surprising since half of them said they couldn’t be arsed showing up.”

“You said they have a new manager?”

Blair nodded in the direction of a tall woman with cropped hair. She looked nice enough. “That’s her. Zoe. Mark had other commitments, so he handed the team off to her.”

“Well, I’m sure Zoe will be welcomed with open arms.”

“Mmhmm. I’m sure she will.” Blair rolled her eyes. “She’s gorgeous. I’m sure they’ll all want their arms around her.”

“Maybe they will.” Eden shrugged.

“No, that’s not what you’re supposed to say. Because what if Dom falls for her? What if she falls for Dom? She’s the star striker, and I cannot for one second think about the possibility of ‘extra practice’ and all that shit.”

Eden pressed a hand to Blair’s shoulder. “You’re not serious…”
