Trig swept me up into his arms and carried me into the bedroom. The lights were off but candles were glowing, and our wolf was lying in the center of the bed, completely naked and mouthwateringly gorgeous.
“Fuck, babe. Now I’m gonna be dripping.” Trig carried me to the bed and gently lowered me onto the end of it.
I looked to Garin, waiting for his instructions.
His legs were together as he waved me forward. “Come sit on my lap, omega. I want to take care of you while Trig fucks you against me.”
Yes, please. I scrambled as fast as I could to straddle his thighs. I couldn’t see our cocks, but I felt them touch, so I knew I was in the right place.
Garin slid his hand beneath my body and gathered a palm full of slick, then brought it up and coated both of our cocks in the lube as he began to stroke us together. Our wolf lifted his knees up, carrying me with him so I was a few inches off the bed and at the perfect height for Trig to enter me from behind.
Trig’s arms wrapped around my chest, and then one slowly circled my belly and held it from below, lifting some of my weight as he pulled me against his chest and slid inside me.
I reclined against him, reveling in the pleasure they were giving me, as well as the physical relief of having some of the weight carried by my alpha. “This is so nice…”
Trig moved slowly, gently thrusting in and out of me without any urgency as Garin matched his pace with his fists around our side-by-side dicks. They were both going just slow enough that I wasn’t going to come, but it felt like delicious torture.
My eyes drifted shut, and I wondered if I could fall asleep to the gentle rocking of my body, so damn grateful to have both of them in my life.
I lifted the hand Trig had on my chest up to my mouth and kissed it. “I love you, Trig.”
He growled in my ear and began to thrust faster. “I love you too, little one.”
Garin matched the increase in pace as he leaned forward and kissed my mouth, licking my lips before slipping deeper inside.
When I was breathless and had to pull back, I was close to giving in to the torturous ecstasy. “I love you, Garin.”
“I love you too, sweet omega.”
“I’m gonna come…” I leaned back against Trig as Garin pressed his chest to mine, sandwiching me between my alphas as we both came in messy streaks up our chests.
Trig was right behind us, sucking on my mark as his knot began to fill me.
This was the part that I could do forever. If this was how humanity continued, maybe a few months of discomfort wasn’t so bad after all.
Chapter 24
“Are you sure you want to go?” Trig asked.
It wasn’t the first time, and it wasn’t going to be the last time that one of my mates tried to talk me out of the trip. I understood their reasoning. I was beyond pregnant at this point. The babies could come any day now, but I was feeling on top of the world, and the work was finally complete on the cabin. I wanted to spend one last night there before the babies came.
Just the three of us.
“Yes, I’m sure. I promise I’ll tell you if I have any hint of being in labor and we can come right home.”
“You’re not gonna want to drive home in labor,” Garin said, already grabbing his keys. He had a horrible time saying no to me, and I didn’t mind. I quite enjoyed being spoiled by my mates.
“We’ll be fine. I don’t even have any Braxton Hicks today.” It was the first day in two weeks that was true. They had been horrible lately. The doctor told me my body was getting ready for the delivery. I thought it was just being an ass.
We all got in the minivan and headed toward the cabin. I never thought I’d be a minivan kind of dad, but we were having triplets and needed three car seats. There were really only two viable options: minivan or an SUV.
The SUVs were too tall for me to manage the car seats. My mates were taller and could probably get the car seats in and out with ease, but for me, the minivan just made sense. At least we got it in a cool color, orange. So it wasn’t that bad.
The contractor had assured us the work was complete, but until I saw it with my own eyes, I wasn’t gonna be convinced. They had made amazing progress over the past few months. We’d been by quite a few times. The architecture was gorgeous, while retaining the same rustic cozy feel that the cabin had always had. When the contractor took us on a Zoom tour, I knew I had to see it in person.
As we pulled up, it was hard to believe it was the same place we’d come to that first night. It was so much bigger. The stoop and small porch were turned into a huge wraparound one. I couldn’t wait to spend evenings there, rocking in a chair with the babies, watching the sun go down, hearing all of the creatures around us.