“That side of the industry isn’t really within my wheelhouse,” I say, because I need to answer her somehow. “We are working with Quicksilver to make sure the fans are returned what they’re owed. That is the most important thing to us.”
“That’s great,” she leans forward slightly, and her blouse opens a little, flashing her cleavage. “A few weeks back, it was reported you had gone missing while at an industry party in Montana. Can you expand on what happened there?”
“Nothing to expand on, really. I didn’t disappear. I’m taking some time away from the spotlight. There was a small misunderstanding when I left a party, but I was never missing. There was never a time when family, friends and Quicksilver weren’t fully aware of where I was.”
“Why do you think someone came forward stating you had disappeared?”
“I can’t speak for other people, but I can assure you, I wasn’t, and I’m not missing, as you can see.” I hold out my hands and smile for the camera.
“Can I ask where you’ve been?” she cocks her head. I glance at Fisher. I don’t know how much he is aware of where I’ve been. This is an innocuous question, but I’d still rather not answer it.
“The point of what we’re doing, in taking a step back, is to give ourselves space to be, for want of a better word, normal. We’re all human and sometimes, you need to exist in a smaller sphere. I’m grateful the fans have accepted this and are giving us the grace to take time away. In the end, it’s all about being able to perform at our best for them.”
“You don’t want to tell us where you’ve been?”
“No,” I smile at her. “That’s the whole point of privacy, Ivy.”
“You can cut that too,” Fisher says.
Ivy looks down at her notes. Her shoulders shift a little, giving away that she is irritated. She was selected to do this interview over a lot of other news outlets. She needs to be careful and knows it. She’s learning fast. Quicksilver isn’t messing around with what they’ve said she can ask.
“It’s also been speculated that you might have been mixed up in the business with the theft of the money. I’m sure that isn’t the case, and your fans are, of course, defending you from the media speculation.”
This is the question we discussed beforehand and the reason for the interview, so I can’t get out of answering.
“I appreciate that. Reckless fans are amazing.”
“So, did you have anything to do with it?”
“No, Ivy. I didn’t. Like you said, it was coincidental my alleged disappearance and the news about what our previous manager was accused of doing occurred at the same time.”
“Have you spoken with the investigators?”
“There is no need for me to speak with them. As I said, I had nothing to do with it, and Quicksilver knows that. I’m not sure where the rumors started, but that is all they are, rumors. There is no truth to it at all. And, as I’ve already said, the only thing I care about is that the people who had money taken get that back.”
“How long is the break going to be? Do you have a date in mind when you’re going to be back in the studio?”
“We haven’t put a timeline on it, but the tour dates from the end of October will be going ahead as planned.”
I hope, fuck. I don’t know how far along Solene is. She may be close to her due date by then.
Ivy asks me a few more questions about the band, the music, and my plans during the break, all of which I answer in a way that she gets a response, but no actual information. She tries to get more out of me, but I’ve been doing this for eight years. I’m well versed in how to deflect.
“Before we finish up, there was recently a story published on social media about you being spotted in a park in Minneapolis with a woman.”
I give nothing away, just look at her like I don’t know what she is talking about. I’m waiting for Fisher to step in, but he is looking at Luther with a frown. I guess my bodyguard hasn’t let on about who I’m with.
My heart is racing. Luther doesn’t say or do anything obvious, but I see the subtle shake of his head. He’s letting me know it’s unsubstantiated, that they locked it down. Anything Ivy might have dug up is only what those guys have posted, which has no back up. There are no pictures.
“The last time I was in Minneapolis was about two years ago, when we were on our Lost Souls Tour.”
Her eyes narrow, but I’m pretty sure my face looks sincere enough she can’t see past the façade.
“Are you dating anyone right now?”
“Really Ivy? That’s not on the approved list of questions.” Fisher steps forward.
“We don’t want to make this all about the investigation Fisher,” she says. “It will look too much like you’re trying to get out ahead of a story that will implicate Jude. That’s the only reason I’m going in a different direction.”