Page 131 of The Sounds of Her

“Nick is gonna regret not coming here,” Jordan grins, looking around.

We take pictures with some of her colleagues, but Brooke tells us people have been warned not to pester us, not that it bothers Jordan. He’s always been a people pleaser, preferring to keep everyone happy, no matter what. It’s why he always used to get himself in trouble.

I can’t keep my eyes off her as she walks around chatting with her colleagues and clients. Or my fists from clenching when I see men paying her attention. There are plenty of beautiful women in the room, but none as special as Brooke. Her confidence and intelligence are just as sexy to me as the way she looks. I’m a lucky fucker, having her be mine.

And she is. She belongs to me just as I belong to her.

I get it now, that all-encompassing love and desire to be with that one person your heart beats for. Neither one of us ever expected things to work out this way when I offered to help her out. It happened so fast. I’ve been attracted to her from the moment we met, but she has much more to her, more substance.

Despite what she’s been through, Brooke has such a capacity for love and compassion for those who suffer. Yeah, she is a bad ass bitch and people in her world fear her, but it’s only because she is so good at what she does.

Very few people get to see the real Brooke and I count myself lucky that it’s me she has trusted her heart with.

Nick bit the bullet with Elsa. She’s made a permanent move to New York, and they’ve got an apartment. We’re supposed to help them move tomorrow. Brooke and I talked about it, but she’s still not ready to let go of her place. I get it, it’s a big decision, but I want her with me and I’m working on it, without being too obvious.

She doesn’t tolerate pressure or being told what to do, so I’m being subtle. I keep stealing clothes from her apartment and putting them in my closet. It took her a while to realise she wasn’t losing them at the dry cleaners.

The band has a trip planned to LA next week. We’re performing at a festival. Bianca wants us to go to the labels office for meetings, but Adam refused, saying we’ll meet at his place. She kicked up a fuss at first, but the guys were all adamant.

Adam wasn’t pissed at me for not telling him and Jordan about Madison straight away. He wanted her fired from the label, and it took a while to talk him around, but eventually he relented.

She’s on his shit list now though, the same for the rest of the guys. Adam doesn’t hold it against me that I told Brooke first, or Nick. He’s understood completely and supported me when I lost it again talking about the baby.

Being in the same building with her in LA won’t be easy even if I don’t see her. Having my friends support helps, but it doesn’t change anything. I’m still missing a part of me because of her.

Brooke offered to come, but she has a busy caseload and when Adam declared we’re never going near the label office, she gave him the shock of his life by hugging him.

I’ve not heard from Madison, which could be down to me blocking her, but I try not to dwell on it too much. I think about the baby, but it doesn’t consume me like it used to.

Brooke returns to find Jordan and Alessa having a shot competition, irresponsible as fuck, but they’re enjoying themselves. They’re two people I never would have put together, but they’re perfect for each other and she’s fit right in with the other BreakNeck women.

“Archer, I’d like you to meet Steve, the senior partner at the firm.”

I get up and shake hands with him. Brooke talks about him a lot and he’s been instrumental in her rise at the firm. She’s going to make partner soon.

“Thanks for coming tonight and thank you and the rest of BreakNeck for the sizeable donation. That is very much appreciated. Brooke chose a very good cause for our charity this year.”

Her eyes dart to me and back to Steve. She knows I’m donating, but not the band. Once the guys all learnt about it, we pooled together and donated a million dollars.

“You’re welcome,” I tell him. “It’s a great cause and anything we can do to help.”

“Well, it was very generous, so thank you. I hope you’re enjoying the ball,” he glances over at Jordan, who waves with a wide grin. “I see you’re having a good time,” he remarks.

“The best. Can we take some balloons when we go?”

“What are you? Five?” Brooke asks him.

“I like balloons,” Jordan shrugs unapologetically.

“I’m sure it won’t be a problem,” Steve says with an amused look.

“Thanks. Join us for a shot?”

“I think I will.” Steve takes a seat next to Jordan, they each down a shot, then sit chatting.

The festivities slow down when the owners of the charity go up on stage to collect the check for all the money that has been donated. They’re so overwhelmed, the two women cry. Our donation is anonymous, but Brooke knows when the amount is so high it has something to do with the band.

We’re not looking for recognition. It’s a good cause.