Page 126 of The Sounds of Her

“Why do you keep trying to blame him, Mom? I’m the one who ended this stupid deal.” I point a finger at my chest. “Archer had nothing to do with it.”

“Do you have any idea what people are saying about you and this rockstar?” mom sneers.

“I don’t care.”

“They’re calling you a slut. And they’re right.”

“You did not just say that to your daughter.”

We all turn to look at Archer. His face is a mask of fury as he stares at my mother. I keep my eyes pinned to him because I can’t look at her right now. I didn’t think she could sink any lower.

Or break my heart any more than it is.

“Apologise.” Archer moves to stand at my side. “Now.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Trying to keep a lid on my anger is proving fucking difficult. I stood by while Brooke’s mom kept insulting me. I don’t give a fuck what she thinks of me. I’ve dealt with people saying a lot worse things about me to my face.

Fuck, I dealt with Madison more than once after what she did. Eloise Hannon is nothing on her.

The second she insults Brooke, that’s when I lose my shit.

“Who do you think you are speaking to?” Eloise splutters.

“The person who called her own daughter an awful name.” I can’t fucking stand it when women say shit like that, but to hear a mom say it to her daughter? To a woman as amazing as Brooke? That shit will not stand with me.

“You think her associating with the likes of you means she doesn’t deserve it?”

“Brooke is a million times the person you are. You need to apologise to her.”

“I won’t.” Her fists clench at her sides. “You leave my house right now. Gerard, do something. I want him out of this house.”

Gerard looks at me. I pegged him as halfway to shit faced as soon as we walked in. Yeah, Gerard is doing nothing to get me out of this house.

“Mom, calm down.”

“Calm down, this stranger is in my house yelling at me, threatening me.”

“No one threatened you,” Brooke is incredulous.

“Brooke Madeline Hannon, I want this man out of my house now.”

“There is no need for all this hostility. Why won’t you just listen to your daughter?” I ask, attempting to calm things.

“I’m not sure we have anything left to say.”

“What do you mean?” Brooke asks.

“I mean, if you don’t care enough to help us when we’re in this terrible situation, then why should we listen to you, or him?”

“Help you? Mom, you didn’t even ask me.”

“We did not need to.”

“I’m not talking about the whole marriage bullshit.”

The woman gasps and clutches her pearls like someone shit on the rug in front of her. It takes great effort not to roll my eyes. I fight to keep my mouth shut and let Brooke finish this. She can get through to them. I should step outside and let her handle it, but until Brooke asks me to, I’m staying right the fuck here.