The neon lights from the buildings around us flash over her face as the car moves. It reminds me of a kaleidoscope, highlighting the planes of her face. She’s like a Greek statue.
“Don’t tell me you don’t trust me either,” she pouts and makes me laugh again.
“You so did.”
“We’ll see next time.”
“Pulling the long con, I like it. Let me know when you’re gonna pull the trigger, so I know to fold.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nash.”
My name on her lips makes me grin. Jesus, what am I doing? There is no doubt I’m attracted to her. I’ve got to know a lot about her over the last couple of weeks. We’re polar opposites, but have no uncomfortable moments. She’s never made me feel dumb. Which she could do. Compared to her, I am. I’ve spent the last week non-stop thinking about her. And not just about our lessons.
After a few more turns, we reach her apartment building, and luckily, there is a place to pull over. I get out and walk her up to her apartment. I have no expectations, but I can’t stop staring at her lips when she turns at the door. She leans back against it, her hands behind her back, and looks up at me.
“Thank you for today,” she says. “All of it. And for bringing me home.”
“You’re welcome.”
We stare at each other again, the silence lengthening as I drink her in.
“Why does this feel weird?” she asks, her voice a soft whisper.
“Because I’m making it weird.” I shake my head and laugh in embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Why are you making it weird?”
I press my lips together and look at the number on the door above her head. Should I take a chance?
“Because I want to kiss you.”
“Oh,” her lips part. “And you think that is weird?”
“No,” I hold my hands up. “Jesus, I’m fucking this up.”
Adrestia laughs, reaching out, she grabs the front of my t-shirt and pulls me into her. “So kiss me.” Then she goes up on her toes and presses her lips against mine.
Fuck, that is sexy as shit. I’ve never experienced a woman taking control like this. Taking what she wants and not waiting for a man to make the first move. Still, I’m no pushover. I press her up against the door and deepen the kiss, angling my head slightly and tilting hers, getting her where I want her.
Adrestia moans into my mouth, her hands gripping my waist as our lips part and our tongues meet. Her arms lift and slide around my neck as she clings to me, but I just focus on her lips. On how our tongues are working together. I have to bend because of our height difference and want nothing more than to pick her up. I can’t make that move yet.
Not that my dick got the memo. It’s pushing up against my zipper and her stomach as the kiss becomes more desperate. I don’t want to move fast and freak her out. But she isn’t pulling back.
I run my hand up over her hip and waist, then higher. She twists a little to make room for me as I slide it over her breast. Jesus, she has amazing tits. My hand can barely contain it and her nipple hardens against my palm. We’re both panting. I pull back, nipping at her lower lip, tugging on it and making her moan again. Then I press my forehead to hers. This is fucking heaven. My hard on is digging into her stomach, I have her tit in my hand, and the taste of her on my tongue.
I should pull back, I should leave. Her nails trail down my abdomen, over my belt buckle completely changing my mind about stopping. My heart jolts as if electricity has run through me from her touch.
Her eyes lift, her lips are puffy and her cheeks flushed. Her palm traces over my dick and my hips move, pressing into her hand. I’m about two seconds away from dragging her inside when a voice startles both of us.
“Oh, God. Sorry.”
I take a step back and turn to see Adrestia’s friend Sasha. She is a mess. Her face is all red, with mascara running down her cheeks.
“Sash, what’s wrong?” Adrestia moves around me and hurries over to her friend.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I should go,” she sobs.
“No, don’t be silly. What’s wrong?” She puts her arm around Sasha.