“Just stand there, in your thoughts, for a moment. What is he doing.”
“Going through files, I think.”
“How do you know they’re files?”
“Because the moonlight is coming through the window, and I can see that creamy color. He’s flipping through them.”
“Great. You saw the folders in the light. Keep looking, Nash. Don’t leave that place. Watch him. Tell me when he looks up.”
“He, uh, doesn’t know I’m there. He didn’t look up. He’s just flipping through…” Nash paused.
“What do you see, Nash?”
“He looked outside. He sees something. Maybe someone? He tossed the folders and grabbed his gun. He’s backing toward the door.”
“He’s coming toward you then. Be still. He doesn’t know you’re there. He sees me and Coy.”
“Shit. He does. He heard the back door open, too. He hears you.”
“You heard us too, then. That’s good. When he hears us, what does he do?”
“He turns around and heads for the door.”
“But you’re standing in the doorway. He can’t leave the room.”
“He sees me.”
“What did you do, Nash?”
“I charged him.”
“Back up. Don’t charge him yet. He’s looking right at you. He sees you, so you must see him. Remember the moonlight leaking in the window?”
Nash nodded.
“What does he look like.”
“It is a dude. I saw his face. That’s how I knew…”
“Describe him, Nash. Don’t move from the doorway and describe him first.” Kenzie demanded.
“About my age, height, build… He has a thick goatee, kind of a dark blonde, maybe.”
“Good. What color are his eyes?”
“Blue. Piercing blue.”
“Why do you notice his eyes, Nash? Why the eyes?”
“Because he has a thick scar that starts above his eyebrow and runs down his eye and cheek all the way to his chin. They aren’t piercing blue eyes. Just the one. It’s cloudy-looking and appears…icy blue. The other is dark, I think.”
“What else do you notice?”
“A tattoo on his throat. A… skull with flowers, maybe. I can’t really see anything else. He’s coming right for me. I have to…”
“It’s okay, Nash. You already saw him. You gave a good description. Open your eyes.”
Nash opened his eyes and scanned the room, “Don’t ever make me do that again. That was…”