Page 20 of Stone Cold Sinner

“Yeah, thank you… kindly… Sheriff.”

Ransom extended his hand. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“My apologies.” Coy tossed up his hands. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you two hadn’t met. Ran, this is Sheriff Kenzie Stoddard. Kenz?—”

“Gray,” she corrected. “Kenzie Gray.”

“My apologies again,” Coy continued. “Sheriff Kenzie Gray, this is Ransom Wyatt.”

“Kenzie. I know the name. If I'm not mistaken, you’re my wife’s childhood best friend. It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you and have a face for the name now.”

“You’d be correct, Your Highness, and truly, the pleasure… is all… mine,” she said, full of snark and disdain.

The three brothers tried to withhold their amusement, but sadly, they were unsuccessful. Nobody addressed Ransom in such a manner, not that they’d witness anyway. It took a lot of gall and confidence to talk to the leader of the free world in such a manner, but then, that was Kenzie.

“Your… Highness?” Ransom questioned. “Most people call me Mr. President, Prez, or just asshole. I prefer Ran, but to each their own.”

Kenzie forced a smile and nodded. “I bet they do call you that… Ran.”

“Nothing royal about me,” he went on.

“Oh, I’m sure there’s something royal… about you. I mean, you did clog up our small municipal airport and manage to throw yourself a parade through town.”

“I believe you mean motorcade through town. And, well, landing that big jet they make me use in some rancher’s field wouldn’t be a good look or friendly. Perhaps even rude.”

“Sounds like you thought about it, though.”

“Wow.” Nash snorted.

Cut leaned into Ran and said quietly, “Now you know why she’s Dillon’s best friend.”

Ransom slowly nodded, eyes still on Kenzie, summing her up. “I’m starting to see it.”

“Dilly and I were like two peas in a pod, even finished each other’s sentences, yet…” She waved her finger in front of Ransom. “I don’t get this. I guess it’s true what they say –– people change.”

“You didn’t vote for me, did you?” Ransom joked.

“Not a chance,” Kenzie said with a laugh.

“May I ask why? Perhaps it will help me understand why you’re so… friendly.”

“Well, that’s easy. The charm does not sway me, and maybe if you did more for vets, especially being a veteran yourself, I would’ve considered checking the box next to your name.”

With a slow nod, Ransom took his time responding, unsure what to say to such boldness. “Noted. That’s one of the most important issues, yet one of the most stonewalled and hard to move forward. It hasn’t been without effort on my part.”

“Well, isn’t that nice? Maybe you’ll be the change guy after all.”

“I’ll do my best, Mrs. Gray, and let you know.”

“It’s Ms.,” she said.

“I stand corrected… Again.”

Coy interrupted the exchange before it became any more uncomfortable or unbearable to watch. “Glad to see you haven’t changed one bit, Kenz.”

“Yeah, well… I just wanted to stop by and offer my condolences.”

Nash smiled wide at the hint that she was about to leave. “Always good seeing you, Sheriff. We’ll have to have you over for dinner while everyone’s in town. Like old times.”