Page 30 of Stone Cold Sinner

“And if it’s not?” Coy asked honestly.

“Then… we find a way to make it fine.”

“Why does this feel like another crime waiting to happen, only we’re the culprits.” Dillon snarked.

“Not funny. Not even a little bit.” Nash said. “You be nice to her, Dill. And tell that Sheriff friend of yours to be nice, too. A couple of mean girls, if you ask me. Besides. When I asked her to bring supplies, she didn’t even hesitate. Not a single question.”

“She doesn’t sound so bright, then.” Dillon snickered.

“And there you have it. Mean. She’s a real smart girl, and you’re going to be eatin’ crow. You’ll see.” Nash defended. “She’s just loyal and trusts y’all, thanks to Mama. She didn’t need to question anything.”

Ransom tucked his cell phone in his pocket, “My agents are back. They didn’t find anything. Not even a bullet casing.”

“They cleaned up after themselves or made one hundred percent of their shots, and they’re all embedded in Dev’s car.” Coy chided. “This is sounding more professional by the minute.”

“I had the detail spread out as far as they can according to protocol. Watching the house and outbuildings, one down the driveway leading onto the main property. Do you want me to call in a secondary detail?” Ransom asked.

“Draws too much attention,” Coy said.

“It’s Texas. A lot of wide-open spaces. It could be easily justified –– no one would question it simply based on the size of this property and its landscape.”

“The more people we have here, the more people know something is wrong, and the risks increase. I know your agents are vetted, but anyone can be bought or tempted to leak information.” Coy warned. “If you can keep them rotating as they are now until Dillon and I can work on a more secure setup, you’d be doing us all a big favor.”

Ransom nodded and went to work cleaning up all traces of the day’s trauma along with Nash. The sight of it all seemed to trigger Devyn. As the adrenaline was wearing off and the reality was settling in.

“I-I think I’m going to go… shower. Get cleaned up.” Devyn announced as she made her way out of the room. “Don’t want to meet this Charlotte girl looking like this. First impression and all.”

“Dev?” Dillon hollered after her. “Do you need any help, honey?”

Devyn vigorously shook her head, and her eyes filled with emotion. “I’m okay. Just need a minute to wrap my head around all this.”

As she passed Nora and Cut, she paused, “I’ll check in with the kids when I’m done, relieve the agent sitting with them.”

“They probably have her all tied up and ready to give her notice.” Nora teased, but the laughter that followed caused a pain that took her breath away.

“When’s your girl getting here, Nash?” Cut panicked.


“I’m fine.” Nora reached for Cut’s hand. “This child of yours is a kicker and managed to find a tender spot, is all. Guessing there’s a nice bruise forming right under my ribs.”

Cut stood, “That can’t be good. I’m taking you in.”

“Will you sit down? You act like you’re new here.” Nora scolded. “I would never put our baby at risk, and I’m telling you, I’m fine. This isn’t our first rodeo, darlin’. I’ve been pregnant most of my adult life now and become quite the expert on the topic. The baby’s fine. Now sit down and rub my feet –– make yourself useful.”

Nora had lightened the mood, and everyone went about their way, even Cut, who sat beside her and rubbed her feet as he was told.

When Nash took out a large trash bag full of debris, soiled towels, and rags, Dillon huddled close to Coy and Ransom.

“Let this be a lesson to both of you. Don’t you ever leave me in the dark again. You hear me? As you can imagine, finding out all your little secrets on the fly isn’t ideal. I could have been with them in that car. I would have seen something they didn’t because I would have been watching for it.” Dillon scolded and didn’t hold back. “What good is it sending an agent with her if he doesn’t know there’s an imminent threat? We’re lucky they both came back alive and our baby sister unscathed.”

“I wouldn’t call that unscathed,” Coy said, watching Devyn walk up the stairs in a daze. “This will stick with her.”

“And I could’ve helped prevent it.”

“Noted,” Coy said, pulling out his phone. “I want you two to look at these pictures from earlier. Finally got a glimpse of the men Kenzie was concerned about.”

“What exactly had her on alert?” Dillon asked, “Remember, I’m late to the party here.”