There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and I can almost hear Seanna processing my words. "The club?" she repeats, her voice laced with surprise. "Why?"
"I’m leaving on an investigation tomorrow. It was a... distraction," I reply, the words feeling heavy on my tongue. "I needed to escape, even just for a moment."
Seanna's concern deepens, her voice softening. "And did it help, pretending to be someone else for a while?" she asks gently, knowing the answer before I even speak it. Seanna is aware of me using her name when I need to, but she also knows that it’s my way of escaping myself sometimes.
"No," I admit, feeling a lump form in my throat. I recount the encounter I had with the man at the club as she listens patiently. "It just made everything... worse. I feel so... lost, Seanna."
There's a heavy sigh from the other end of the line, followed by a pause as Seanna gathers her thoughts. "I'm here for you, you know that, right?" she says finally. “Our parents already told me all about you heading out tomorrow, by the way. Maybe this investigation is what you need.”
"What do you mean?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice as I try to make sense of her words.
Seanna lets out a soft chuckle, her tone gentle yet firm. "Think about it. It's a small island, and you need to be discreet. When in Rome, as they say... take the time to maybe live a normal life for a little while. You're on vacation, so have a vacation. I mean, obviously, you’ll have to do your thing at night, but you know what I mean."
Her words sink in slowly, and I find myself nodding despite the lingering uncertainty. Maybe she's right. Maybe I do need a break from the constant chaos of my life, a chance to breathe and just... be. No back to back investigations that keep me up until the early hours of the morning only to arrest a murderer, only for it to take years for the case to go to trial before they’re finally put away.
"Yeah," I reply softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips when I realize I get to do everything on the island my way. "Maybe you're right. Thanks, Seanna."
"Anytime," she says warmly. "Now, get some rest. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow."
With Seanna's words echoing in my mind, I end the call and stand up, watching as she moves away from her window and further into her cabin. Finishing the last of my wine and turning back toward the kitchen, a strange shadow catches my attention just outside the window above my sink.
Frowning, I move closer, but there's no movement, just shadows and darkness. An eerie feeling settles over me as I continue to stare.
Come out, come out wherever you are. Seanna’s voice echoes in my mind from when we used to play as kids. Hide and seek has always been our thing, but Seanna never liked to hide and I never liked to seek, so we kept our roles the same even when our parents tried to encourage us to take turns.
It would never work though. Seanna hates small spaces and putting her bright personality in a secret place never sat well with her. For me, being out in the open felt too vulnerable, like someone could jump out from behind a corner at any moment.
The shadows outside stay perfectly still and eventually I sigh, realizing my imagination is in overdrive. Moving to the kitchen, I rinse the empty glass before double checking all the locks and turning off the lights as I make my way to my bedroom.
Sliding between the cool sheets I contemplate taking my frustrations into my own hands, but quickly dismiss the idea for the night. I don't want to be even more frustrated if I couldn't even get myself there. So instead, I close my eyes and wish for sleep to help me hide for just a little while.
Chapter 4
The drive to the island feels long, with my nerves on edge the whole way. But the first glimpse of it as I cross the bridge takes my breath away. The picture I had found on the internet did not do it justice. The bridge is raised enough that the descent to the island side offers a spectacular view of the relatively small town.
I catch sight of a beach on one side and boats on the other. A pointed bluff with a raised lighthouse marks the ocean-side tip of the island, adding to its charm.
My first task is to find the strip of shops along the beachside where most of the tourists congregate. It will be a good introduction to the town, plus I need to get the keys to my new place.
After finding a parking spot, I make my way to the little real estate office. The jingle of a bell rings when I push through the door and a slim brunette with her hair in a bun greets me with a smile, her brown eyes shining from behind the wire frames.
"Hey there, how can I help you?" she asks.
"Hi, my name is Taylor. I think we spoke on the phone yesterday. I'm here to pick up keys to the house I'm renting," I say, holding my hand out to shake hers.
She has a strong grip, and her smile only gets brighter when she realizes I'm not another tourist. "Oh, Taylor! Yes, I remember. Welcome! Let me grab those keys for you."
As she moves behind the counter, I take in the small office space. It's cozy, with a few potted plants and photographs of various properties on the walls. The scent of fresh coffee lingers in the air.
"Here we go," she says, handing me a set of keys. "The house is lovely, right near the heart of the island and away from all these tourists and their parties. You'll love it."
"Thank you," I reply with a smile. "I'm looking forward to settling in."
She nods, her expression warm. Pulling out a map she marks where I need to go to get to the house and gives me a quick run down on the local businesses in the area.
"If you need anything or have any questions about the area, feel free to drop by. We're here to help."