Page 26 of Hide Me Darling

My heart lurches at the use of the name. "Don't call me that. You don't even know who I am," I retort, my voice trembling with anger and fear.

The red-masked figure hums softly, the sound making me tense even more. “Oh, darling girl, we know more than you think.”

The other steps forward. “Did you know a synonym for hide, is mask. Seems like fate that we discuss this while masked, given the meaning of your name.” The green face tilts in front of me, as though assessing me, his fingers reaching out to touch my mask again.

I jerk my head back and slap the strong arm away even as nausea unsettles me. There is no way they know who I really am.

Maybe I can still fool them. Knowing my sister is back home and safe from this situation, I decide to pretend to be her to throw them off of my trail. After all, we learned to switch places even at young ages.

“Fine, you know I'm Seanna Darling. But that won’t help you,” I respond, but even I can hear the tremor in my voice.

Both masked figures shake their heads and the red-mask makes a tutting sound as if he were disappointed. “Nice try, but the two of you aren't as alike as you think you are. We can see the difference easily.”

“For instance, Seanna has learned to embrace the darkness inside her, but you are still afraid of yours,” the green-masked figure says.

My chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath while surrounded by them. “I'm not afraid of anything,” I nearly yell in frustration.

Green-masks bare hand quickly wraps around my throat, his fingers pressing into my skin causing my pulse to speed up. “Funny, your heart rate says something different.”

The red-masked figure steps more firmly up behind me, and I can feel the entire length of their body. When they speak, their voice is low and close to my ear. “Or maybe she's just turned on, brother.”

My mind races as the situation escalates, trapped between these two masked figures who seem to know far too much about me. But they just gave me something. No, the body pressed against me gave me more. They are both men. I am looking for two men. Two brothers.

I was starting to come to the conclusion on my own based on their height and stature, but it’s too dark to be sure.

The grip around my throat tightens as if they realize what they just did.

But that’s when a terrifying realization comes to me. The feeling of being surrounded by them. The way their scents seem to tangle together while I inhale and the pressure of the warm hand on my neck is sending my mind into overdrive.

My thighs try to press together, craving something more. That’s when it hits me. I’m fucking soaked.

I struggle against the hold, my hands gripping the masked figure's wrist, trying to pry his fingers away, but his grasp is unyielding.

"Let me go," I manage to gasp out, my voice strained and desperate. Panic threatens to overwhelm me as I realize just how much I like this feeling, but I force myself to focus on the fact that they are killers.

The green-masked figure chuckles darkly, his grip tightening ever so slightly to fully cut off my air supply. My ears ring as he whispers, his breath seeming to bypass the mask completely and drown me in the warmth.

"Oh, we're just getting started, darling.” Shadows dance around my vision, and I can’t tell if it’s because of the glow of the masks or if I’m about to pass out.

He suddenly releases his grip on my throat, and I almost stumble from between them as I gasp for breath. I press my fingers to my neck, feeling the desperate need to remove my mask just to draw in a full breath, but I resist the urge.

They start circling me, their masks' lights flickering and weaving around me, disorienting me as they move.

I growl in frustration as I try to follow their movements. “Are you going to tell me your names at least?”

I may have walked into their little trap, but they have still helped me narrow down my list. Maybe I can get a little more from them so I don’t feel like I failed quite as much tonight.

“Hmmm, yes, we do need to give you something to scream when you fuck yourself to our memory,” the green-masked figure says, moving close to my back while I’m watching the red-masked figure. He inhales deep, as if he can somehow sense my arousal.

It makes me feel vulnerable and what surprises me even further is that it is yet another turn on. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Should we tell you to call us something cute?” red mask taunts. “Batman and Robin? Thumper and Bumper? Bonnie and Clyde?"

The green-masked figure joins in, his laughter ringing out unsettlingly. "Ooooo you’re Bonnie, I’m Clyde…"

The red-masked figure snorts dismissively. "We could go back to the classics with Romeo and Juliet?"

The green-masked figure laughs louder. "I’d rather she be the Juliet to my Romeo…"