Page 16 of Hide Me Darling

I smile and shrug, hoping to deflect his curiosity. “I guess I’m not like most people.”

He nods slowly, still watching me closely. “So, what is it you do for a job then? Don’t tell me you’re one of those independently wealthy girls. You don’t really strike me as the type.”

Somehow, I don't think that 'I chase murderers and the scum of the earth' would be a good response, given my need to fly under the radar. Thankfully, Allegra interjects from the counter, her tone playful yet pointed.

“Don’t go harassing the poor girl with twenty questions this time of the morning, Jonah. Especially when she hasn’t even finished her first coffee.”

Jonah’s lips twitch again, and he nods in Allegra’s direction with mock deference. “Yes, Ma’am,” he says, his voice laced with amusement before looking back at me. “See you around, Taylor.” As he turns to leave, I can’t help but watch the way his strong body moves. It’s as if he owns the presence of the gravity around him.

I let out a slow breath as my heart rate slows down again. As much as I tried not to show it, questions make me nervous. I know I typically ask questions for a living, and my goal here is to get to know these people and gain their trust. That does come with some give and take, which means I need to make sure my story is straight in my mind for when others ask the same things. I know I have a cover set up, but it’s rare that I have to use it, so it doesn't come naturally just yet.

I finish my coffee and banana bread, quickly falling in love with this place. Allegra has the green thumb of baked goods, I might actually get addicted.

Looking around the room, my mind races with strategies for the day. I wanted to explore some more of the businesses that I had seen the previous night. Now that the blogger revealed someone was killed on the sandy beach, I feel like the closer places are a good place to start looking. It is still early in the day but this end of the strip of shops is where the gym is, so that will be my first stop.

Getting up from my seat, I wave goodbye to Allegra as I step out of the bakery, the fresh morning air greeting me once again. The gym is just a short distance away, and I make my way there with purposeful stride.

I replay my cover over in my mind as I walk, refamiliarizing myself with it in case I’m asked again. I’m a project manager from the city, I’ve had one too many big, tough projects recently and I just need a change in pace. The island is the fresh start I need to settle down now. No need to tell anyone my projects are murderers and criminals.

The gym is a modest building with a sign that simply reads "Island Fitness." As I push the door open, the familiar sounds of clanging weights and the rhythmic thumping of running shoes on treadmills fill the air. The smell of sweat and rubber mats hits me immediately, a stark contrast to the bakery's warm, inviting aromas.

No one is at the reception desk to greet anyone but everything is quite open. I can see a few people giving me curious looks, including one man who taps someone on the shoulder and points in my direction. When I get an eyeful of the man as he turns toward me, I can see why there are so many women here this early in the morning.

He is pushing two hundred pounds of pure muscle while tattoos decorate his pecs and down both arms. His bare abs emphasize the freaking eight pack he has. His black hair is cut close to the sides of his head, leaving the top longer.

I am forced to hold back a laugh when he runs his hand through his onyx locks and a woman on a treadmill almost falls over. He notices immediately and flashes a grin in my direction.

"Hey there, welcome to Island Fitness," he says as he walks toward me, his voice surprisingly warm and friendly. "I'm Makai. Are you looking for a day pass?"

"Actually, I'd like a week pass," I reply, motioning down to my running attire. "I've already had a run this morning."

Makai's eyes flick to my running gear and back up to my face, a smile spreading across his features. "Ah, a fellow early bird. Nice. Let's get you set up." He moves behind the reception desk as he waves me over.

As he starts processing my request, I take the opportunity to observe the gym more closely. The layout is efficient, with free weights on one side and various machines on the other. A group of people are engaged in what looks like a high-intensity interval training class in the far corner. Their focused expressions and the instructor's enthusiastic shouts add to the dynamic energy of the place.

Makai hands me a form and a pen. "Just fill this out, and you'll be good to go."

I take the form and start filling it out, keeping my responses as generic as possible. As I write, Makai leans casually against the counter, striking up a conversation.

"So, you must be new around here. I haven't seen you before."

I nod, not looking up from the form. "Just started renting the old Baker house. Figured I'd check out the local spots and start settling in."

He chuckles. "Well, you picked a good time. The weather's great, and there's always something happening around town."

I hand him the completed form and the cash amount listed as the fee for a week. He scans it quickly before nodding in approval.

"Looks good. Here's your pass." He hands me a card. "If you need any help with the equipment or have any questions, just let me know."

"Thanks, Makai," I say, tucking the pass into my pocket. "Is there usually someone here to help all day? I'll probably come back later after I explore some more."

Makai nods. "Yeah, there's always someone around. If I'm not here, one of the other trainers will be. We've got a pretty tight-knit team, and we're all happy to help out."

"Thanks, good to know. And you're open late, right? I thought I saw the lights on late last night," I ask, trying to sound casual. A strange look enters his eyes, and a chill slides up my spine.

“We generally close up around eleven at night. I was here late doing paperwork last night since I’m the owner. Here I thought you were a morning person, not a night owl.” His grin is big as he teases me, but there is an edge to it now.

I force a laugh, trying to keep the conversation light. “I guess I’m a bit of both, depending on the day. Besides, it’s always hard getting used to sleeping in a new place.”