Page 23 of Hide Me Darling

My first stop is the bakery. As I approach, I see that the lights are still on inside. Slipping around the back, I find a vantage point where I can observe through the open back door without being seen.

Inside, I see Allegra cleaning up for the night. She looks up, as if sensing someone’s presence, but quickly returns to her task. I stay hidden, but after a few minutes the bakery goes dark and Allegra locks up before getting in her car.

Feeling relieved but also frustrated, I move on to the next location: the police station.

This location is more challenging. The Sheriff and Deputy are still inside, going over paperwork and chatting, if how much their mouths are moving is any indication. I can't risk being seen, so I find a spot across the street more discreet than the previous night where I can watch from a safe distance.

As I observe, I see Sheriff Brooks come out for a cigarette like last night while Deputy Eli also leaves the station, talking on his phone. He looks around briefly before getting into his car and driving off. Nothing seems out of the ordinary here either, but the fact that the police are actively working this late is worth noting.

Would they really let me know if I found them? How would they know I did if I stay in the shadows? Taking a look around, my anxiety only grows. This is why I never like to seek. Hiding is easier, it’s safer. This feels stupid as I wait out in the open for some strangers to confirm they are the ones watching me.

The restlessness under my skin pushes me forward toward the real estate and doctor's office. When they are closed with no lights on inside, my next stop is the café.

It’s one of the last places open this late and the lights are still on. I approach cautiously, careful to keep myself hidden.

There are a few late-night patrons, and I can see Lily behind the counter chatting with a customer as she wipes down tables. She seems relaxed, no signs of tension or nerves. I scan the room for anything out of place, but everything appears normal.

Desperate to get answers, I watch for a few more minutes. It quickly becomes clear that I’m not going to glean any useful information from this spot. Frustration builds as I check my phone—9:30 PM. Time is slipping away, and I’m no closer to finding them.

I forgo being sneaky as I rush to the tattoo parlor. The lights are still on inside, making it easy to see everything even from a distance with its large windows. Tyson is still working on a client and I watch as he finishes up and tapes up the fresh tattoo before the client leaves.

When Ty starts cleaning up, I wait to see if anyone else shows up. But the place stays quiet, and eventually he turns off the main lights only to move over to a separate wooden artist desk toward the back that I can’t get a clear view of.

I circle the building, crouching low when I get to the back and peek through a small window and see Tyson, focused intently on a sketch. He looks tired, unaware of his surroundings. If he were one of the bloggers, I’m sure he would have said something by now or given me a sign. If they are playing fair that is.

Who really plays fair anymore?

I watch for a while longer, but nothing unusual happens. Ty continues his work, and I decide to move on.

My next stop is the artist’s studio right by the beach. It’s almost 10:30 PM when I sit in the sand near some rocks.

Both floors of the studio are dark. I wait, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything suspicious. But the studio remains silent, and there’s no sign of anyone coming or going.

It takes an immense amount of self control not to kick sand when I get to my feet and start the trek to the gym.

I’m slightly surprised when the bright lights of the gym spill onto the street as I approach, casting long shadows that I use to my advantage. Maika said he wasn’t open late often, so I have to guess I’ve either won the game, or he has a client or two that asked to stay late like he offered for me.

I find a spot across the street to watch, giving me a clear view of the entrance. From my vantage point, I can see a few people still inside working out on the machines and lifting weights. I scan the room for any familiar faces or anyone acting out of the ordinary. Makai is at the front desk, doing paperwork from the looks of it. Everything seems normal.

I wait, watching as people finish their workouts and leave until the gym is empty. Makai finally locks up and gets in his car, leaving the building dark and silent. With nothing suspicious to note, I move along the beach. The moon casts a silver glow on the sand, and I see a few figures strolling along the shore.

Ducking behind some rocks, my adrenaline spikes. Is this them?

The beach is peaceful, the sound of the waves attempting to soothe my nerves. But as I watch the people walking by, I notice it is just an elderly couple enjoying a night time stroll

I want to scream while the time ticks down and I get no closer to finding these people. Are they watching me run around? Laughing while I go from place to place none the wiser to who they are?

Nothing seems out of the ordinary anywhere that I’ve observed tonight, but I can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching.

Why would they taunt me to come out? What do they gain by drawing me out into the open? It’s clear they know who I am and where I’m staying.

I can only think of a few reasons: they want to see how I react and observe my movements. The blogger’s taunts aren’t just idle threats—they're calculated moves designed to provoke and unsettle me. It’s working, but I can’t let it throw me off. I have to stay focused.

Am I missing something by concentrating so hard here on the beach and the businesses? Should I consider other locations or angles that I haven’t explored yet? Am I even looking at the right people? Could there be suspects I haven’t considered?

I doubt old lady Gladys is out killing tourists.

There's a nagging feeling that I might be tunnel-visioned on the locations and people I know, possibly missing crucial details or connections elsewhere on the island. The urgency of the blogger's challenge has narrowed my focus to those I've identified, but what if there's more to this puzzle that I haven't yet uncovered?