I nod, slightly disappointed to have missed saying farewell to him. Declan notices and his gaze softens. "Anythin’ we can do to make ya more comfortable here, Scarlette?"
I consider his question for a moment, a playful glint entering my eyes. "Well," I begin, a mischievous smile forming, "it's a bit depressing in here without any Christmas decorations. Can we please decorate for Christmas? I want some holiday spirit in this penthouse, and not just of the alcohol variety."
Both Declan and Aiden burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room. Declan shakes his head, still grinning. "Decorate for Christmas? Why does that request not surprise me?"
I playfully roll my eyes. "What can I say? I love Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year, after all."
The brothers exchange amused glances before Declan nods. "Alright, let’s make it happen. Now, let's get ya down to the foyer so ya can get to ya office. We'll ride down with ya, and tonight, we'll pick ya up from your office at the end of the day. We can get some decorations then."
As I make my way toward my office, I’m filled with excitement for the end of the day, hoping that the time passes quickly. But it doesn’t.
My day is filled with staff meetings, client meetings, client work, and the gentle teasing from Sue about the men who are suddenly in my life. I’m just on my way back to my office at the end of the day, counting down the minutes until I can leave with the brothers when Sue approaches, pulling her handbag onto her shoulder.
She huffs at me, but I can see the teasing playfulness underneath. “We really do need to have a conversation about all these sexy men visiting you in your office.”
I almost choke on how dryly she says those words, a grin spreading across my face.
Losing the fake look of seriousness on her face, she reaches out to squeeze my shoulder. “Seriously though, I’m so glad to see you happy, you needed some of that in your life.”
My eyes widen as I try not to laugh harder at her. “Some of what, Sue?”
“Some of whatever is making you so happy, and making me leave the office before I hear it. Merry Christmas, dear.”
With that, she lets go of me and continues toward the elevator, waving at me over her shoulder.
“Merry Christmas,” I’m left calling out after her as I chuckle at her retreating back. I continue towards my office, looking forward to leaving with the brothers.
I’m still grinning as I push into my room, but the man in my office is not who I expected, and neither is the gun pointed in my direction. And this time I knew it would not lead to anything happy.
Chapter 22
The distinct difference between the man in front of me, and the men I expected is the cold look in his eyes. and the large scar cutting across a large part of his face. It is a jagged line traveling from his temple, through his eye and then through his lips, stopping at his sharp chin. Whatever had caused it turned the eye that it cut through milky white.
Once upon a time, it must have been the same hazel of his other eye.
Sue wasn’t wrong, the man was very handsome if you looked past the scar. But in my eyes that may have been because he reminded me of the Blackstone brothers.
His hair was short and a lighter brown, but he had a similar build and look. He looked to be around Ronan’s age, but instead of the slightly crazy energy that Ronan gave off this man is nothing but icy calculation.
Tilting his head, he motions with his free hand for me to move further into the room, and closer to where he is standing. “I guess I ca’ see wha’ had ‘em so ‘nchanted so quick. I didn’a see it before.”
His Irish accent is harsher than that of the brothers, more prominent. Like he had spent far longer in Ireland and more recently.
I narrow my eyes at the man, curiosity mixing with caution. "Who are you?" I inquire, my voice steady but laced with suspicion.
He doesn't directly respond to my question. Instead, he smirks, the scar on his face contorting with the expression. "If I'da known dose fools would fall over demselves for ya so easy, I migh’ have paid ya to kill ‘em instead o’ jus’ stealin’ from ‘em."
His words hang in the air, the revelation sinking in. I take a step back, analyzing the situation. The atmosphere in the room shifts. The coldness in his eyes intensifies, making it clear I’m dealing with someone entirely different from the Blackstone brothers.
This was the man who hired me to steal from them. The one who destroyed my home.
"Why would you want them dead?" I ask, my mind racing with a possible way out of the situation.
His gaze remains steady, and he casually motions to the scar on his face. "An eye for an eye, mil," he says, the words carrying a weight of revenge. It becomes apparent that there's a history, a vendetta that goes beyond a simple business rivalry.
I swallow hard, sensing the depth of the animosity between this man and the brothers. "Did you ever consider talking to them, resolving things without resorting to violence?"