‘You know what Rosie’s like for not wanting to let anyone down, if she’s told Saskia that the cards will be ready tomorrow then she’ll kill herself in the attempt.’ I stared at Harry’s downy little head. ‘I’m a bit worried about Rosie, actually.’
‘Mmm?’ Jason looked at me over the rim of his mug. ‘What about her?’
‘She’s just so tired. Is it natural?’
Jason lowered his eyes, giving me a glimpse of his fantastic long eyelashes. They were one of his major pulling attractions, apparently, although I had pointed out to him that camels have beautiful eyelashes despite smelling like a suitcase of offal. ‘When Viv had her kids, she was knackered most of the time. I remember Lance — that’s the brother-in-law — told me he hadn’t had a decent shag in four years.’
‘Jason, please!’
‘You asked.’ Jason blew steam. ‘So, yeah. Reckon it’s natural. But if she can get plenty of rest she’ll be fine.’
I yawned a huge yawn that made my jaws creak. ‘So you won’t mind keeping an eye on Harry for what’s left of the night then? Since you’re awake anyway.’
He slumped down on the sofa next to Harry. ‘OK. Seeing as you’re so persuasive and all, I’ll watch him ’til one of you gets up. Can I help myself to your cornflakes?’
I yawned again. ‘Sure. They’re Rosie’s anyway.’
‘By the way.’ Jason began rummaging in the pocket of his overalls. ‘You got another e-mail from your man. I printed it out so you wouldn’t have to yomp over to the workshop.’
‘Privacy, Jason? It’s not just a word that means being alone long enough for a wank, you know. Anyway, I thought I changed my password.’
‘You did. I watched. Honest, Jem, “Christian”? What kinda password is that? Never figured you for a God-botherer.’
‘I didn’t know one of your sisters had children.’ I took the much-folded piece of paper from him, resisting the urge to start reading.
‘Yeah. Jasper and Freddie. Names right out of the lost-puppy handbook, but they’re okay. How about you, Jem, you’re not an only child are you?’
‘How do you know that?’ I sounded frosty but Jason didn’t seem to notice.
‘Rosie and I, we got talking about you. Just after you come here it was. What with you bein’ all mysterious and all. She said you couldn’t be an only, ’cos you’re too good at arguing.’
‘I bet she didn’t say it like that though.’ I forced myself to relax, uncurling my fists.
‘Nah. I’m just translating her words into the lingua franca. It means the language we have in common,’ he added, seeing my face.
‘Yes, I know what it means . . .’
‘. . . but you’re surprised I do? Yeah, I know a thing or two, I went to Roedean.’
‘Jason, Roedean is a girls’ school.’
Jason gave me a wicked smile. ‘Yeah it’s amazing what you can pick up from those posh bints when you’re giving ’em one up the Pavilion.’
I shuddered. ‘That had better not be a euphemism, and if it is, please don’t tell me.’
His wicked smile widened and his eyebrows waggled. He was reaching for the digestive biscuits as I took myself off up the stairs back to bed.
Chapter Five
When I came down next morning — although actually it was the same morning, but later and it felt like another day altogether — Jason was sprawled asleep along the sofa with Harry sprawled asleep on him. They were snoring in contented unison, although I was glad to notice that the spreading stain of damp along Harry’s bottom wasn’t mirrored by anything Jason might have done.
I inched into the kitchen, put the kettle on and poured myself a bowl of muesli which I’d just started to eat when I was joined by Rosie. She looked pinker and better rested than she had at any time since Harry was born.
‘How are you?’ I asked carefully.
‘Oh, Jem.’ Her hands went to her black curls and she tugged at them distractedly. ‘I am so sorry about last night. I was exhausted, but I had to keep doing the cards and then Harry wouldn’t settle and—’
‘It’s fine. Honestly, Rosie. Harry went off like a lamb and he’s been asleep ever since. It’s probably the best night’s sleep he’s had since he arrived. Courtesy of our Jason there.’