Page 98 of Heir

“Decent haul tonight, Omaera,” Marty said, counting out my cash in hundred-dollar bills. “Any big plans for all your winnings?”

“Just rent and food, Marty. You know I’m not a fancy girl.” This was the conversation we had every time I played, and Marty was the cashier. It was a running joke between us now.

He chuckled and finished up. I tipped him well like I always did, made sure to tip my server again, as well as Cane, who was already dealing up a new game. “Buy your cranky mom something nice,” I said, tapping the dealer on the shoulder and handing him a hundred dollars.

“I sure will,” he said with a big grin. “Thanks.”

After pulling the baby diaper out of my purse and storing my wads of cash inside it, I gave a jerk of my head toward Drak, indicating he should follow me. We made our way back up the spiral staircase to the lounge.

I tipped Damien on my way out. “Heard you won big,” he said.

“And now, I will humbly take my winnings home.”

He winked at me.

Drak growled

I rolled my eyes.

I was half way to the front door when a strong, cool hand on my elbow hauled me backward.


But it was Drak, so I calmed down . . . a little.

He had me in a small, dark, secluded alcove and was pulling me along further. Past the washrooms and toward a closet.

We stopped before we reached the closet door.

“Don’t you ever do that again,” he said with another growl, his gaze hard to read in the dim light.

I jerked free of his grasp and gave a growl of my own. “I’ll do whatever I damn well want to. Not only am I a free woman, but I am not your mate. Don’t you ever tell me what to do again.”

He winced a little, which is how I realized I was flash-frying his brain. I quickly pulled back my rage, gathered those thoughts and contained them in my mind. His expression relaxed.

“Why did you follow me? Don’t you understand boundaries? Space? The need to be alone?”

“You are in danger,” he said. “I am your mate, and even though you are unequivocally an enormous pain, it is my duty to protect you.”

My heart slammed hard against my ribs, and my chest heaved as my eyes adjusted to the lack of light. And as if truly possessed, something changed inside Drak as I watched. His pupils dilated, his nostrils flared and that same feral look of obsession, of craving from earlier today, flashed in his eyes.

Holy shit! How did I forget about the . . . the blood lust, or whatever we were calling it? The capsule from Mr. Fiddleman was wearing off.

His lips parted and his fangs dropped down as his pulse matched mine, causing the vein in his neck to throb. I licked my lips, unable to peel my eyes away from his.

The man was infuriating. An undeniable pain in my ass. He was pompous and arrogant. Cold and aloof. He didn’t care about my feelings or my heart. He wanted to mate because that was what we were supposed to do. He wanted to control me. He wanted to possess me.

And yet, at this very moment, that was all I wanted too.

“I don’t like you,” I whispered.

“I know.”

“You’re insufferable.”

“You’re not exactly a joy to be around either.”

That made me smirk.