I offered to shift into bear form again if she preferred, but she simply shook her head and snuggled in tighter to my embrace.
At some point, she fell asleep against me, and despite the circumstances, I’d never felt happier or more whole than to have my mate asleep in my arms.
Maxar and Drak were making calls, so it was up to me to protect Omaera.
I carried her to bed and when I went to lay her down, she stirred, blinking open those beautiful, moss-colored eyes. “Lay with me, please,” she croaked, reaching for me and wrapping her arms around my neck.
Grunting, I nodded, and she scooted over to the far side of her queen bed. I curled up around her. She fit perfectly against my front, all tucked in, safe.
“What if we’re too late?” she asked, her voice raspy.
“We’ll find her,” I said, squeezing her tighter. “You felt your aunt’s pain, right? You knew when she was still alive?”
She nodded, then spun around to face me.
“Can you feel her?” I asked. “Can you feel Gemma?”
Closing her eyes, she took a few deep breaths. All I did was watch her, drinking in her beauty, and not for one second taking for granted how lucky I was to hold her and be her mate. She blinked open those gorgeous eyes, and they flooded with tears. “I can feel her fear. She’s alive. But she’s terrified.”
I bobbed my head and held her tighter. “Hold on to that feeling. As much as it hurts you to feel her fear, at least we know if she is scared, she’s still alive.”
Omaera swallowed and nodded.
Blinking up at me as one tear fell down her cheek, she cupped my jaw the way I often did with her. I rarely shaved, and my beard was coming in thicker, perhaps slightly unruly too. She stroked the wiry scruff. “I had sex with Drak.”
“I know.”
“We didn’t mate-bond though.”
“I know.”
“Are you . . . are you upset?”
Staring into her sweet, yet fierce gaze, all I could do was smile, then press a kiss to her forehead. “No, Little One. I’m not upset. Jealous . . . envious, perhaps. But not upset. He is your mate as well. And if it was what you needed at the time, then I am in no position to be upset or judge.”
Her face scrunched up. “It . . . it’s all so strange. He is insufferable.”
I chuckled deep in my chest, jostling us both. “That he is.”
“And has some serious boundary issues.”
“No argument there.”
“And yet, I feel this innate pull toward him.”
“It’s probably part of the blood lust. But also because you’re Fated Mates.”
Her hand pressed to my chest. “I feel it with you too. And with Maxar. It’s strongest with you though. And unlike with Drak, where I resist it for as long as I can, with you I . . . I want it. I want more of it. You’ve been nothing but patient and kind. You take care of me like only two other people in my life ever have. I feel safe with you.”
“I would lay down my life for you, Little One. I would kill every last soul on earth for you. Just ask.” I swallowed. “And the thought of someone hurting you . . .” A deep growl rattled my chest. “I can’t even . . .”
Her thumb ran back and forth over the whiskers on my jaw. “You’re such a Pooh Bear, but with a murderous streak.”
“I only kill when the ones I love are in danger.”
“You love me? You barely know me.”
“Doesn’t matter. What I feel in my soul . . . in my heart is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s consuming. It’s . . . it’s like a drug and all I want is more and more. I feel so whole, so complete when I’m with you. Even just lying here beside you fills my heart with immense joy.”