Page 70 of Heir

Was Omaera strong enough? Did she even know how?

“I thought my brain was going to explode,” Gemma said. “I woke up, and it was worse than when you did it to me. So much worse.”

Omaera pressed her forehead to her friend’s temple. “I’m so, so sorry you’re tangled up in this. I’m so sorry.”

Gemma closed her eyes and leaned into Omaera. “But then, all I could smell were flowers and feel joy. When you were leaning against me, willing me not to die, this surge of pleasure and joy whipped through me like a warm wind. The kind that wraps a flowy dress around your legs and causes your hair to fly across your face.” She smiled at Omaera. “I could feel your love.”

Omaera was crying now, but she smiled and laughed through the sobs as Gemma sat up and the two embraced.

They remained that way for a moment, until the demon bitch on the ground grunted, pulling Omaera’s attention away. She untangled herself from Gemma and stood up, slowly approaching Raewyn on the ground. Her nostrils flared and green flames danced in her eyes.

She got beside Raewyn’s head and crouched down beside her. “Who sent you?”

“She’s got a gag,” Maxar said. “Do you want me to remove it?”

Omaera nodded. “Please.”

He stepped forward and waved his hand over Raewyn’s mouth, essentially snuffing out the flames that tied her lips from touching and inhibiting her speech. She squirmed and writhed against her arm restraints though, glaring at all of us.

Why hadn’t she tried to fry my brain yet? That was the sole reason why I didn’t tear out her jugular when I saw her standing beneath the balconies earlier. She could attack me before I got the jump on her, then she would have had free rein to kill Gemma and torture Omaera.

“I’m going to ask again,” Omaera said slowly. “Who sent you?”

Raewyn’s lip curled up into an ugly sneer. “Nobody sent me. I’m here to do what is right. And that’s eliminate an abomination. You’re not our queen. You’re a disgusting mutant that never should have happened. I’d never bow down to you, and I know a lot of others who won’t.”

Omaera blinked at her and nodded. “And my friend? Why did you hurt her?”

Raewyn snorted. “The human? One less human in this world is a good thing.”

Omaera nodded again. “Right. So, you acted on your own, fully prepared to murder my best friend and torture me. Were you planning to kill me? Why didn’t you hurt the vampire?”

“She’s not a high-level demon,” Maxar said. “She only has the power to manipulate and attack probably two people at a time.”

Omaera nodded one more time. “I see.”

“What would you have us do with her, my Queen?” Maxar asked. “I’m happy to dispose of the body the same way we did the Phaceanesh who attacked you last night.”

She glanced at Maxar, then at Drak and me. “Is there any reason you can think of that she may be of use to us?”

“She’s just a liability. She could hurt any one of us at any time,” Drak said.

“Why isn’t she doing that now?” Omaera asked.

“Oh! That’s because I have a restraint on her,” Maxar said joyfully. “See the orange rope around her head? That’s keeping her from fucking with us.”

I’d never heard of that before. He was handy to have around if he could do that.

I was beginning to see his usefulness.

Why the vampire was here and what he contributed to this pack, I still hadn’t quite figured out.

“I suggest we eliminate her,” Drak said. “She knows where you live. She’s clearly not loyal to the crown, and she could run off and tell whomever killed your aunt about your whereabouts.”

Omaera looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “Oh, I wasn’t implying that we just let her go. No, no. She tried to kill my best friend. This bitch will die. It’s just whether she dies right now, or we hang on to her because she’s of some use. That’s the only question I have. Do we keep her and use her, then kill her? Or just kill her right now?”

Maxar’s grin was big and maniacal. “Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more, my Queen . . .” He pressed his hand to his heart. “You show me your sadistic side, and I just . . . oh, baby.”

Omaera rolled her eyes.