I never realized just how powerful these three are.
Like the sun and the moon and the earth. Everything and everyone has to bend to them.
Julian never commanded a room like this.
When they reach the stage, the band lets their current song fade out and the room quickly falls to silence.
Damien takes the lead while Bran stands on his right and Jimmy on his left.
They are a sight to behold. Damien and Bran look ridiculously handsome standing next to one another in their dark designer suits, and it’s easy to see them as brothers. Jimmy radiates power and energy and dazzles in her dress.
And in this moment, I am ridiculously grateful to be where I am. I want to be a part of their group. I want to command a room with them.
I’ve never hungered for significance…until now.
“Thank you all for gathering here tonight on such short notice,” Damien says, his voice booming across the room. “We have an announcement to make.”
Excited energy breezes through the crowd.
“As you all know, my brother and I helped found Midnight Harbor and this house wouldn’t be what it is today without him. So I’m pleased to announce that Bran and I will now lead Duval House together as Co-Heads of House and Jimena will assume the role as second-in-command.”
The crowd comes to life with applause.
When it dies down again, Damien adds, “And as many of you are aware, we’ve welcomed two new members to our house.”
Oh shit.
The crowd’s attention starts to wander, half of it landing on me, the other half finding Kelly by the bar.
Now I wish I would have gone to her earlier so I wouldn’t be standing here like a butterfly pinned to a board.
I distinctly feel like I’m on display.
“I know many of you have wondered why we have a Locke human within our house. All you need to know as of right now is that Kelly MacMahon is under our protection, and tomorrow, at her Pledging, Duval House will bid on Jessie.”
My face warms beneath the attention as the whispers start.
“Like Kelly, Jessie is under our protection. And if I catch any of you trying to haze her, you can expect a private meeting with me. Do we understand one another?”
The crowd quickly murmurs its agreement.
“Now that business is done,” Damien says, “carry on with your celebrations and be responsible with your blood drinking.”
The vampires hoot and whistle as their Pledged humans prepare for a night of being human juice boxes.
I hover by the abandoned table waiting for Bran to return to me, but as he leaves the dais, he’s cornered by Sky.
My insides immediately clench up.
She gets in close to his side and leans in to whisper something to him, her hand on his arm. He laughs at whatever it is.
My chest tightens as a cold sweat prickles down my arms. Has he only been pretending to be indifferent to Sky?
There is a voice in the dark depths of my mind that says: Get back at him.
I scan the crowd for a familiar face and spot Lance, the vampire valet who parked the Bimmer the first time I came here with Bran.
“Lance!” I practically shout. “How are you?”