Then he kisses me, slow and gentle.
When he pulls back, he’s smiling.
“What is it?” I ask.
“They’re flipping coins now.”
I laugh and thread my hand with his. “Come on. Let’s put them out of their misery.”
We leave the room together, his cum dripping down my thighs.
Episode 37
Rock the Boat
I'm aware, on a visceral level, that when I walk out of the waiting room in the Pledge office, I am officially marked as Bran's girl in the eyes of the mortals in Midnight.
If there was any doubt before, it's all gone now.
Jessie MacMahon belongs to Bran Duval.
I knew this before now. I know that he loves me. But there's something inherently thrilling about other people knowing it too.
When we reach the annex, we find everyone in the office in a gossip huddle behind the counter. Bran clears his throat and leans a shoulder casually against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest.
Most of the office people scatter like scraps of paper caught in a gust of wind.
Only three remain. Alice and Ed and a dark-haired girl I don't recognize.
Alice won't look me in the face and I can't tell if it's because she's disgusted by me, Bran's whore, or if she thinks of me as some lucky interloper who stumbled her way to a throne. Because whether we admit to it or not, there is a hierarchy in Midnight and being attached to a Duval is like being attached to a king.
I suppose even royal whores hold power in court.
I decide I don't care what Alice thinks of me. I won't be ashamed. In some twisted way, fucking Bran loudly in a government office has secured me a certain level of power I didn't know I wanted or needed.
So, while his cum drips out of me, I take the crown and act the part.
"I got tired of waiting," I tell Alice. "Will someone please get me the right paperwork?"
I swear it's like watching bumper cars at the state fair.
Alice turns around and runs into the dark-haired girl. Ed trips over Alice's foot and lurches backward to catch himself, but he bumps a tray of paperwork and it spills off the back counter, crashing to the floor.
Good god. Is this what it feels like for Bran when he walks into a room?
As Ed picks up the mess of paperwork on the floor, Alice locates what I need and places the forms neatly on the counter. "Sign here. And here. Initial here."
I mark where indicated and finish the last signature. "Good?"
"Yes. All good." She nods excessively.
"Thank you, Alice."
"Of course. Our pleasure."
The dark-haired girl giggles at the word pleasure. My gaze only shifts to her because the sound is a contrast from the silence.
But as soon as my eyes land on her, she stiffens and clamps her mouth shut.