“Jessie,” he says, as if my real name might better get my attention.

I turn around to face him, caught between shock and awe.

I just killed a man and froze an entire room.

The tears start running down my face.

The line of Bran’s brow sinks over his eyes. He takes a breath. “Unfreeze me.”

“I don’t know how.”

“Just say the words, Mouse.”

I take in a breath and nod. “Okay.” Closing my eyes, I try to focus on what I want. I don’t know exactly how to use this power that burns through my veins, but it is mine. It’s always been mine. “Um…Bran…you can move freely.”

When his hands come to my face, I open my eyes and meet his gaze. More tears blur my vision. “Are you okay?” he asks.

I nod and bite at my bottom lip, not entirely sure I can keep it together for much longer. “I’m okay.” For now.

Bran blurs away and sinks beside his brother, turning Damien on his back. I go to Kelly’s side and check her breathing, putting my ear to her heart. The blackness from the spell has disappeared, leaving her unmarred. It’s almost like she’s sleeping.

“Kelly?” I give her a shake. “Can you hear me?”

She doesn’t respond, so I pinch her arm. Still nothing.

“What did they do to you?” I whisper.

“Jessie, I need you to unfreeze Cal,” Bran calls. “Get Fox and Bianca, and anyone else that we consider an ally.”

“I…I’m not…”

He looks up at me. “You can do it, Mouse. But hurry.”

I go to Cal first. He’s closest and the strongest. One of the Locke vampires has a fistful of his shirt in his grip. He’s got his teeth gnashed as he watches me, unable to stop me. There’s blood spilling from the corner of Cal’s mouth, and several splatters painting his blond hair.

I still don’t know how this power works, but hopefully it’s enough just to believe in the words. Otherwise, we’re all in a world of shit.

“Cal,” I say and push emphasis into my meaning, “you can move freely.”

Like a movie suddenly set to PLAY, Cal staggers forward and then pries his shirt from the Locke vamp’s hand.

“Thank you, Jessie,” he says.

One by one I go around the room and unfreeze those we consider friends. And with every one, my body aches a little more, my vision gets blurrier, and my heart races in my head.

By the time I’ve done the last one, I feel faint, legs shaking. I nearly crash to the ground before Bran is behind me, catching me.

“Come on, little mouse,” he says and scoops me into his arms. My body is boneless in his grip, but I cling to him because I don’t know what else to do.

“I’ve got your brother,” Cal calls. Damien is slung over his shoulder.

“Kelly?” I ask.

“Fox has her,” Bran tells me.

The rest of the room—the remaining Locke vampires, the Renshaw witches—are still frozen in the grip of whatever power I wield.

“How long do you think they’ll be like that?” I ask.