Fifteen minutes later, I'm finished with the paperwork but the clerk has yet to visit us. "How long is this going to take?" I drop back against the chair. "Do you think they forgot about us?"
Bran's gaze goes distant. "No, they're currently discussing me being here with you."
"Oh, really? Well, if they stopped gossiping, they could speed this up."
Bran comes over, grabs me at the hips and sits me on the edge of the table. "However will we pass the time?"
His hands come to my thighs, fingers slipping in under the hem of my skirt.
"You planned this," I say up to him.
"Not this, exactly, but the ability to touch you whenever I'd like? That I will always be guilty of."
"What are they doing now?" I ask him as he brings his mouth closer to mine.
He listens, then, "Discussing who will take your case." His hand trails higher.
"How long do you think we have?"
Leaning over me, he brings his mouth down on mine, gentle at first, a brush of his lips, a flick of his tongue. It's enough to send a shock of anticipation through me, sinking to a buzz in my clit.
The thought of getting Bran in a waiting room while people are just beyond the door going about their days is exhilarating.
"Sounds like Ed is getting the short stick," Bran says, his mouth still on me, his hands slipping further up my thighs, sending gooseflesh up and down my body. "He's grumbling now."
"Why?" I circle my arms around Bran's neck, urging him closer.
"He's telling the office girls he wants to leave here with his head attached to his neck."
I hook my feet around Bran's legs and my skirt slips up my thighs. I'm so close to being completely bare for him. "You'll behave, won't you?”
He adjusts his grip on me, grabbing my ass and yanking me to the edge of the table. "In what way?"
"No heads will leave their necks."
"Mmm." He kisses me again. "Ed is telling Alice that his wife is making a lasagna and they plan to re-watch Lord of the Rings. 'You heard what the Duvals did at the vampire court last night, didn't you? Alice, I can't miss Lord of the Rings! Janet will kill me!'"
I burst out laughing. "I think Ed might be more terrified of his wife than of you."
"Every man knows that to be fact."
"What's that?"
"That if his partner is not happy, then he might as well dig his grave now."
I roll my eyes as his mouth sinks to my neck. "With regular people, maybe, with you? Never. You aren't afraid of me in the slightest."
"On the contrary. I'm terrified of you." And then he nips at my neck, breaking the flesh.
I jolt beneath him from the sharp pain, but he tightens his hold on me and flattens his tongue against the bead of blood.
I breathe a little faster, heart drumming a little harder. "You are not terrified of me."
"I'm terrified of how you make me feel."
"How's that?"
He pulls back, meets my eyes. There's a stain of red on his teeth. "Whole," he answers. "Awake."