He doesn’t answer.
With a huff, my sister takes the offering and drinks it back.
“I’ll link you now,” Bianca says. “If you’re ready?”
“Carry on.” Damien crosses his arms over his chest as my sister slouches against the edge of the counter.
Beside me, I sense Bran growing agitated and when I look over at him, his brow is sunk in a deep V. It makes me wonder what the conversation in Greek was.
Bee holds her hands over the bowl of mixed blood and whispers Latin beneath her breath.
The hair along my arms rises.
Bran takes a step closer to me.
The bowl ignites with a WHUMP and bright green flames dance inside of it, highlighting Bianca’s face in a sinister glow.
Kelly lurches and in a blink, Damien is beside her, his arm around her waist. “Minou?” he says, worry hardening his eyes.
“I’m okay.”
“It’s done,” Bee says.
“That’s it?” I ask.
“Magic, at the root of it, is very, very simple.”
“Thank you,” Damien says.
I have a feeling Damien doesn’t thank people very often.
“You’re welcome,” Bianca answers.
“Sky,” Damien calls.
Bran says something in French.
Damien responds in English. “You’ll get what you’re owed. Just not today.”
Sky appears outside the Anneliese, hands on her hips. “You summoned me?”
“Show Bianca out.”
“I can find my own way,” Bianca starts, but Damien shoots a warning glance her way and she relents. “When would you like me to move into the house?”
“As soon as you’ve wrapped up your business with the Mulligans and have packed your things. You tell me how quickly you can make it happen.”
“Give me two days.”
The brothers exchange a look. “That will suffice,” Damien says. “But be at the Pledge today.”
She nods and then follows Sky back through the courtyard.
“Do you guys feel any different?” I ask.
Kelly’s face is flushed and her chest is heaving, almost like she just ran around the block. Damien meets her gaze. Some silent conversation passes between them and then Damien grabs my sister by the wrist and drags her out of the house.
“Hey! Where are you—”