“Midnight has been ready for a shake up for a very long time,” Cal says as he sits in the leather club chair across from me. “Unfortunately, you’re caught in the middle. These two know that Julian has been trying to assume more power. And I’ve made it no secret that I think the vampires hold too much sway all-around.”

“We founded this town,” Damien says. “We have a right to the power.”

Cal glances at him over his shoulder. “Well, times are changing, old man. Best catch up.”

“What does this have to do with me and my Pledging?”

“Julian has allied with a witch house,” Cal answers.

“Christ,” Bran says beneath his breath. “What the fuck did I tell you?” he says to Damien.

“Fine, brother. You were right. Are you happy?”

“Pleased as punch,” Bran says, but his voice is cold.

“Which house?” Damien asks.


Bran’s eyes slip closed and he presses at the bridge of his nose as he takes in a deep breath.

Damien says nothing.

Renshaw witches are the Addams family of Midnight Harbor. They live in an all-black Victorian on the marshy side of Midnight Lake. They’re a small house and they mostly keep to themselves. But when they don’t, you know about it.

There’s a thread of dark magic that runs through the family dating all the way back to Catherine de Medici, the Poison Queen of France.

It wasn’t actually poison though; it was magic that was her weapon of choice.

“They plan to make a stand before Jessie’s Pledging has been finalized,” Cal goes on. “Kelly will be on the north end of the Pledge Hall when she’s struck down. The vision wasn’t clear which direction the strike would come.”

“Okay,” I say, trying not to freak out. “It’s good that we know this ahead of time. How do we stop it? What do we do?”

“Cancel the Pledging,” Bran says.

“We can’t,” Damien answers. “Besides, that’s exactly what Julian is hoping will happen. The longer she’s untethered to a house, the more time he has to scheme.”

“Kelly will stay here.” I sit forward in the chair. “That’s the easy solution.”

“Of course she will,” Damien answers. “But if the Alpha’s psychic saw it happening, then just leaving Kelly at home likely won’t solve the problem.”

Cal nods and winces when he looks at me. “Sorry, Jessie, but he’s right. When it comes to visions, the strategy must always be how to react to it, not prevent it. Because you usually can’t prevent it.”

I lurch upright. “So my sister has to die? Is that what you’re all telling me? No. Fuck no.”

“There is an obvious solution,” Bran says.

“Which is what?”

Damien scowls at him. “Don’t even fucking suggest it.”

“It solves all of our problems and it fits in the narrative of the vision.”

“What?” I say. “Tell me.”

Damien turns his hardened expression on me. “He means turn your sister into a vampire.”

Episode 44