"I obviously agree, but I can't afford to dilute my power by splitting Duval House. It puts us both at risk."
Her dejection tastes almost as bitter as the coffee.
I would give my life to protect her, but we have a much better chance of surviving if I have Damien by my side.
I need my brutal brother.
But I can't be second in rank any longer.
I do need to lead if I'm to shield her from the worst.
"Finish up," I tell her. "I need to speak to Damien."
"Why? What are you going to say?"
"All of the right things."
My little mouse is quiet on the ride back to the house. I sense her trepidation growing. She's stuck on a tidal wave, crashing toward a destiny she doesn't want and isn't ready for.
I want to reassure her, but I need to see my brother first. I take her to the Anneliese and deposit her inside so she's safe beyond the threshold. "Stay here. Do not leave."
She crosses her arms over her chest and her tits swell against her shirt. She screws up her tight little mouth. I like it when she acts like a brat. Makes me hard as fuck, makes me want to punish her.
"For how long?" she asks.
"As long as I tell you."
Damien is mid-conversation with Sky when I enter his office.
"Look what the cat dragged in," she says.
I grab the pack of cigarettes from my brother's desk and steal one, then his lighter. The tobacco crackles when I put the cigarette to flame and inhale, the smoke filling my lungs.
"Did you make that transfer?" Damien asks Sky.
"I did. It's in the account now."
He gives her a nod, taps at something on a tablet, then hands it back to her. "Leave us. Shut the door behind you."
"Sure thing." Sky comes over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Is it ironic that the cat dragged in something that smells distinctly like pussy?"
"Don't be vulgar, Sky. It does not become you."
She smiles at me, fangs sharp against her full lips. "Everyone's talking about her, you know."
I take a deep breath before I lose my fucking shit. "Then clearly you're not doing your fucking job."
"I can't stop all gossip."
"Then try harder."
She smirks. "I'll see what I can do."
Fucking Sky. I almost think I need to worry more about her than I do Julian.
When the door clicks shut, Damien says, "She's not wrong, you know." He stands at the bar pouring us each a drink. "Did you really have to fuck her at the human court?"
"That's what they're talking about? That didn't take long."