I unleash a combination of sword strikes, but each one is blocked or dodged. For a powerful figure, Thanek is surprisingly fast and agile, and he wields his massive sword as easily with one hand as he does with both. He swings a backhand, which I duck under, and a wave of vibrating black magic passes over me. The power of the magic burns in the air and seeps into my bones, weakening and disorienting me. Sweat flies from my brow as I strike at him.

Thanek swings his sword down at me. I intercept with my sword, but the force is too powerful and I’m knocked several feet through the air. I hit the roof and roll to a heap, my muscles jarred and my head spinning.

He is beyond any foe I have ever faced. I know if I keep attacking, he will land a strike that will end me.

But I realize that it is all I need to do. Keep fighting him. Keep him distracted while the others take down his forces and help the civilians. If I buy the world enough time, the combined efforts of the Kingdom Guards and the Shanti People could defeat Thanek together, if they manage to weaken the rest of his army enough.

I have to fight for as long as I can.

Thanek throws out spheres of black magic which I have to run and duck under to avoid. They crash into the roof and break through, leaving smoking holes. When the magic strikes the fallen Guards, their bodies disintegrate and char like wood on a pyre. The stench of their burning bodies fills the smoky, tortured air.

I get close enough to swing at the Dark King, one blow scraping against his thick armor, but he blocks and avoids my attacks with ease. Even when I land a blow, I can do minor damage to him. And the longer I stay close to him, the more I feel myself weakening from the thrumming energy surrounding him.

Our swords meet with a powerful swing, and my blade cracks into pieces. The force throws me onto my back, causing me to slide several feet. I feel stunned and dazed as I realize my weapon is gone. So much for the ornamented blade of the Grand General.

When another blast of magic comes for me, I throw myself to the side and leap to my feet, snatching a spear from a downed guard as I go. The crashing sounds of battle, and of bestial cries, echo around us.

I realize this is my true purpose. Why I had been taken to the Shanti People. Why I’m still alive. It was my destiny to face the Dark King of Old. Perhaps I am meant to die at his hands to help others defeat his undead forces.

Thanek steps toward me. “I should know of you.” There’s something curious in his deep voice, and perhaps a hint of being impressed.

“You might, if you got the chance to get to know me,” I spin the spear in my hands. I take any chance I get to catch my breath and fight through the burning pain in my muscles.

Thanek regards me—at least, I think he does—within the darkness of his helm. “You are insignificant. My forces will spread through this land like fire. Nothing can stop me.”

I ready my next attack as we draw closer. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now.”

A fierce roar bursts from Thanek, and he charges at me. Our weapons clash in quick succession before he steps back and leaps into the air. He brings the sword down as I dive and roll away, leaving the blade to crack into the roof. The strike sends concussive waves through the air that hit me and push me back. I stumble to the edge of the roof and catch myself before I teeter over.

Thanek approaches me, a ball of black fire growing in his hand. A flash of white comes from behind him. My eyes bulge at the sight of Galene, coming up to the roof from the staircase. Her arms glow with a golden light as she takes a wide stance.

“Hey!” she calls out.

Thanek stops and slowly turns to her.

No, I don’t want him to face her. He needs to stay focused on me if I’m going to keep Galene safe. I need to protect her.

It suddenly dawns on me, like a great weight hitting me.

This was all part of Aldus’s plan. He had wanted Galene and I to fall in love. That’s the real reason he had saved my life and brought me to the Shanti Village. He had Tasked Galene to tend to my health, and for the two of us to spend enough time together to develop feelings for each other. He wanted Galene to have a protector, to keep her bloodline safe. That’s why Aldus wanted the Grand General of the Oathlands Military to befriend their tribe. He wanted a guardian for his youngest daughter. He’d been waiting for us to care for each other this entire time.

Thanek flares with black flames as he approaches Galene.

Chapter twenty-nine


What have I done? I came up here to help Rourk, but hadn’t been anticipating running into the Dark King like this. Fear grips me and holds me in place as I take in the vast darkness swelling about him, and the jarring thrumming sensation washing over me.

“There you are,” Thanek says, his grinding voice hitting me from several places, like he’s all around.

I straighten.

Rourk calls out, “Galene, get away from here!”

“Galene,” Thanek draws out my name like a heavy sigh. “Come to me.”

It strikes me then that Thanek has been searching for me. He wanted me here. I can feel it. But what does it mean?