“We were just talking about the disturbances in the air,” he says. “You have felt it?”
Leila and Galene look confused and uncertain, but I nod. “I’ve felt it, yes. What does it mean?”
Aldus places a hand on the plinth. “The thoro-seer has spoken. It has shown us the danger we are in.”
“What does it say?” Galene asks.
At my questioning look, Aldus explains to me what the thoro-seer is. I think he does this to delay the news he has to tell us.
“The thoro-seer is a relic from the old world that is known to be able to sense ripples in the atmosphere, and even through time itself. It can show images of the future, or the past, when accessed by someone who knows how to command its power and read its images.”
“There is no easy way to say this,” Aldus continues gravely.
“Magic has betrayed us,” one of the elders says. “We have proven this is so.”
Leila’s lips tremble. “What does that mean?”
Galene is silently stunned and horrified.
“You know the stories,” Aldus says. “The ancient king, Thanek Deidamos. The dark king who once ruled this world.”
“From the stories, yes,” Leila says. “I know Thanek once lived, but that was so long ago. What does that have to do with-”
“The thoro-seer has shown us,” another elder says, his face dark and heavy. “Thanek has risen again. His forces are back in this world.”
Galene and Leila look to the five elders, as if pleading with them for help.
One woman in their group, whom I believe is Magdalena’s mother, says, “Magic has been a blessing and curse to us. And it has allowed ancient forces to rise from their deep slumbers.”
Like that behemoth, I think, a chill washing over me.
“You’ve had access to this thoro-seer this whole time?” I ask.
“We’ve had it,” Aldus answers, “but it has only been usable since magic returned. It has shown us very little until now. One thing it showed us… was a man in an Oathlands Military uniform. That was a few days before your arrival.”
A stunned hush falls on the crowd.
“You never mentioned this,” I say. But I shouldn’t be surprised about that.
“We did not know what it meant,” Aldus says. “Or if it foreshadowed something good or bad for our village. We had to wait to see what kind of man you were.”
“The thoro-seer never lies,” a hunched elder says, his voice strikingly gravelly. “Thanek Deidamos has returned to the world, and he will mean to take it once again.”
Galene shudders. “Thanek was slain, wasn’t he? You said so yourself, father. That’s what the stories say. Dashna Strongblood defeated him and banished him from this realm.”
“That’s right,” Leila says, trying to sound hopeful. “Irina Dashna, the heroine whom we are descended from. That’s what you tell us, right?”
Aldus nods, his expression severe. “Correct, my loves. We are descended from the heroine Irina Dashna, whom the stories call Dashan Strongblood. That has no relevance to our situation, however. And, yes, she defeated Thanek. But it appears the dark king has merely been slumbering all this time. And the resurgence of magic has somehow allowed him to grow in power and return to our world.”
“And you saw this?” I ask. “In the water?”
“We did,” Aldus says. “Only a few of us are capable of interpreting the images, but it was confirmed. Thanek and his forces roam this land. And they are intent on destroying everything. They will not stop until Thanek rules over the rubble that remains, so that he may rebuild this world for himself. He has done so before.”
I’m still struggling to take in all this information. The grave looks on everyone tell me they fully believe this, and the danger is very real. I take my cue from Galene, who seems shaken and horrified. That tells me I need to do something about this, for the sake of us all.
“Do we know where this dark king is heading?” I ask.
Aldus nods and pulls out a folded slip of paper. “We received a message earlier. A messenger came from The Kingdom.”