Galene shivers against me.
“Here,” I say, and put my hand on her arm to keep her warm.
She flinches away from me and knocks her elbow into the rock. She winces and seethes at me.
“Now, don’t get the wrong idea,” I say, and gently place my hand back on her arm. I shift my body so we’re pressed more together. Her body is covered in goosebumps. There is a distinct muddy smell around us, but I don’t bring that up.
“You’re the one who shouldn’t get the wrong idea,” she says. “You understand?”
"Yes," I respond. I would only admit it to myself, but it does feel good to have her in my arms.
The rain picks up and a flash of lightning highlights the rocks outside. It’s become a full storm out there. For a while, the only sound is the crashing rain.
Galene stirs beside me. “How did you know those things about me? About when I was younger.”
“Maybe I’m magic, too,” I say. “Or, well… I’ve always been able to read people well.”
“Can you… Leila says she gets a feeling within her, like a vibration, when she hears someone’s thoughts or senses their feelings.”
I smile. “It’s no magic trick.” Then I consider that. “I think.”
She yawns and sleepily nuzzles into me. I can see she is more comfortable around me, but I can’t stop thinking about my father being the one who killed her mother. I can’t tell her, because we’re only just starting not to hate each other and I don’t want to ruin that.
“You should sleep,” I say, noting how tired my voice sounds.
“I can’t sleep while you’re awake,” she says.
“What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid,” she says, and yawns again.
Something howls in the night, sounding very close. Galene flinches and knocks her head on the low ceiling.
She has leaned into me in her fear, and my hand is gripping her side. I become aware of how closely pressed together we are, and how close our faces now are. Her sweet breath and the floral hair scent mix with the mud caked in her hair. Her cheeks are smeared with dried dirt.
I know I should move away from her. We’re better off leaving our hesitant friendship just the way it is. If not for the past, for what my father did to her mother, then for the future. I’m going to be leaving soon, and she’s going to be staying. There’s no use starting something that will undoubtedly end.
But no matter how sure I am that I should pull away from her, I’m even more sure that I can’t. Galene’s always been the one who backs away, and for good reason.
I just don’t have it in me.
“It’s okay,” I say. “We’re safe here. The night has many sounds. You’re… safe.”
I become lost in her captivating blue eyes for a long moment and feel myself swell with arousal. Her full lips look so inviting. The power in this moment between us is like nothing I’ve ever known, and I know she feels it too.
We’ve stripped away our armor and have nothing left but each other. We’re so close. I drift toward her. But there is something pained in her eyes. Something that causes her to hesitate.
I swallow and lick my lips and drift away from her. The moment passes like a breath in the wind.
We finally break eye contact, and she rests her head on my chest. I think it’s so she doesn’t have to look at me anymore, but there is a nice comfort in the way she’s wrapped herself around me now. This is nice. This feels good. I’m surprised at how comfortable we are now, pressed into each other like lovers.
We say nothing more, but we don’t need to.
It’s clear that something has shifted between us.
Chapter fifteen