Page 31 of Shadow Touched

“Am I imagining you?”

Brim grinned and held out his hand. The V.P.came forward and grasped it, pulling Brim in to give him a quickhug.

“Thought it was time I came home,” Brimsaid.

“’Bout fucking time.”

Brim pulled away and clapped the V. P. onthe shoulder. “This is Leia. Leia, this is Thorn, the vicepresident of the Death Riders MC.”

Thorn perused her up and down. “Beautiful.She’ll make a great addition to the club—”

“No,” Brim said harshly. “She’s my oldlady.”

Thorn’s eyes widened. “No shit?”

Leia held out her hand. “No shit.”

A heartbeat passed, then he chuckled as heshook it. “Touché. Welcome to the family, Leia.”

At that moment, several more men cameforward to welcome Brim home. Leia studied each person as theirtalk descended into biker jargon. Brim took hold of her hand,keeping her by his side as more and more men arrived to greet them.She kept a plastic smiled fixed on her mouth.

Thorn, the V.P., laughed and joked easilywith Brim. His dark eyes didn’t hold any guile as far as she couldtell. He seemed happy that Brim was back. Of course, he could be areally good actor, and if that was the case it made her job alittle harder.

Leia studied each member, trying to see anyhint of anger or annoyance. Everyone, however, seemed genuinelyglad to have Brim back. Just like he predicted, a party soonstarted. Music blared, drinks flowed. She stayed by Brim’s side,even when he announced he had to pee.

“You didn’t have to follow me to the john,”he muttered.

“How can I do my job of protecting you ifyou don’t let me come with you?”

“Pretty sure I won’t get ambushed in thebathroom.”

She gave a derisive snort. “And who savedyou from certain death not too long ago?”

“Your ego is overwhelming.”

“Don’t hate the facts,” she repliedblithely.

He shook his head, went inside and a fewminutes later he came back out.

“Come on,” he said. “I want to check outKnuckles’s room.”

She followed him as he led them down ahallway, turning at the end into the back of the building. Somedoors were open, and Leia saw they were bedrooms. He used hismaster key and entered one of the rooms. Leia followed him in andclosed it behind them before placing her hands on her hips. Theroom was sparsely furnished. A double bed, a dresser and anightstand pretty much summed up the entirety of Knuckles’spossessions.

“What are we looking for?”

“Anything that might lead us to figuring outwho he might have been working with,” Brim said. He headed over tothe dresser and began opening drawers to search for any clues.

“There’re five boxes of condoms in thisnightstand,” Leia muttered.

“Most of us are into safe sex.”


“That’s not what we’re looking for.”

“You don’t say,” she muttered. She wanderedover to a duffle bag in the corner of the room. “Did Knuckles livehere or just sleep here?”

“Lived. He paid rent for the room.”