Page 20 of Shadow Touched

Leia smiled and placed her half-finishedplate of food on the ground. “I’m ready.”

Martha opened the first book and begangiving a pictorial history of Brim’s childhood. She had a story foreach picture.

“Here it is,” Martha said, talking aroundcigarette. “The obligatory naked baby in the bathtub. Wasn’t hejust adorable?”

“And still is,” Leia murmured, although shewould never call him such to his face. A different baby picturecaught her eye, one that didn’t seem as old as the others. “Is thisNate?”

Martha reached up and grabbed the cigarette,tossing it to the ground. She was silent for a moment as she tracedover the baby’s features. “Yes. He looked just like hisfather.”

Leia studied the baby, noticing how he did,indeed, look a lot like his father. She turned each page andfollowed Nate growing up. His school photos. Shots of him onvarious motorcycles. Sitting on Brim’s shoulders. Laughing. Posing.The album ended with Nate’s official military picture, where hestood in uniform in front of the flag.

“He was a handsome boy, wasn’t he?” Marthagave a sad smile. “Brim is still in the denial phase of hisgrief.”

“May I ask what happened?”

“Nate’s convoy was hit. They told us he diedinstantly. It was a relief, knowing he didn’t suffer.” She gave adeep sigh. “I was so proud of him. We all were, including hisfather. His mother not so much, but by then she and Brim haddivorced. I cut her out of the pics as much as I could, but she’slingering in the background of some. Good riddance to theskank.”

“She lost her son, too,” Leia murmured asshe closed the book and handed it back to Martha.

“You’re too kind.” Martha stood and gatheredthe albums. “But that’s what my son needs. Someone good. I can tellby your eyes that you’re kind and compassionate. I’m glad he foundyou, Leia.”

She leaned over and kissed Leia on the topof the head before ambling away, the photo albums clutched againsther chest.

Leia glanced over at Brim talking to Kix andsome other bikers. As if sensing her gaze, he looked over at her.She didn’t know him all that well, but each moment she spent withhim, she discovered a deeper layer she hadn’t anticipated. Thelonger she was in his company, the more she actually liked him. Shewasn’t sure what was happening, and she only hoped when herservices were no longer needed, she could walk away without lookingback.

A moment later, Brim sat in Martha’sabandoned chair.

“I hope my mother hasn’t been toostressful,” he said, nudging her knee with his own.

“Nah, she’s been enlightening.”

“Uh oh. What does that mean?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she asked witha smirk.

“Don’t tell me she told you about whathappened on my sixteenth birthday.”

“No, she hadn’t, but now that you have, tellme everything.” Leia rested her chin in her palm as she stared athim, waiting.

Brim slinked down to mimic her pose, but hisbig frame only looked ridiculous. “Not on your life.”

“That embarrassing?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to neverfind out.”

She narrowed her eyes. “That makes me wantto know all the more.”

He smirked. “Good luck.”

They stared at one another, a challenge oneach of their faces. Slowly, Leia stood up and while still holdinghis gaze called out.

“Oh, Marth—”

Quicker than she could finish, Brim jumpedup, grabbed her hand, and tugged her away from the bonfire.

“Nope,” he said. “Come on.”

She laughed as he led her away from therevelry,