“It’s your club.”
“Yes, I know that, but we’ve neverhad cameras before.”
“Seems like someone went above yourhead.”
Brim studied the live feed. He didn’t knowif he liked having his V.P. approve things without him. “Can youget audio?”
Mac shook his head. “It’s not that type ofsystem.”
“Then this is a dead-end.”
“Want me to keep it running?”
Brim shook his head. “Nah. What I’m lookingfor, this doesn’t help. Thanks, man, for trying.”
“If you have a phone, I can hack into thedata. Even burner phones have text messages I can retrieve.”
“Good to know. I’ll be in touch if I needanything else.”
Mac saluted him as he exited the coldinterior.
As twilight fell, more wives showed up.After being introduced to Leia, they bustled around, helping toprepare the food. Leia listened to all the gossip as the womenchatted amongst themselves, and even though she had nothing tocontribute, she simply enjoyed being part of their community. Pipereffortlessly dealt with it all as she gave advice, words ofencouragement, and even settled a few grievances.
“I know it seems overwhelming,” Piper saidwhen some of the women began transporting the food outside.
“I can’t imagine having to deal with allthis while pregnant,” Leia replied, shaking her head bemusedly.
“You get used to it.” Piper shrugged andpatted her tummy. “I know this community has my back and will laydown their lives for one another.”
It seemed too good to be true. As much asLeia wanted to get lost in the fantasy, she kept reminding herselfthat this wasn’t her life.
“Just remember, there is a definitedelineation of class structure within a club. Even though you maybe new, as the President’s old lady you’ll have senior rank abovethem all. Don’t let the other wives boss you around.”
“Oh, okay.” Leia had no intention of tellingPiper her real roll in Brim’s life, but she was curious. “Tell me,what’s this life like?”
“It’s really the only life I know,” Piperreplied. “Television has turned us into lawless thugs. I mean,there are some dangerous clubs out there, and yes, there’s illegalactivity as well. But we are first and foremost a family. I have nodoubt that every single person here would lay down their life forme or my family. And I’d do the same for them.”
Leia couldn’t fathom that. It sounded tooperfect to be true. “I’ve never had that.”
Piper patted her on the hand. “You do now.And don’t put up with Brim’s high-handedness.”
This was her moment. All she had to do wassay something and she’d be free of Brim. She glanced out of thekitchen window and saw him walking toward the garage, deep inconversation with Kix, and something shifted inside her. He’dbrought her to his turf, taken her away from her shell existence.Their acquaintance might have started out rocky, but she ratherthought she’d come to understand Brimstone Jandreux a littlebit.
“He can be irritating,” Leia murmured.“Frustrating. Exasperating. But he’s also fascinating.”
“Not sure that last one is the adjective I’duse.”
“I’ve kept to myself for a long time,” Leiasaid, continuing. “Brim came along and forced me to step outside mycomfort zone. I thought surviving was living, but now I realizejust how different those two things are. And he gave me that.”
“I’m glad you’re here, Leia, and I want youto know that if you ever need anything, just let me know. You’realways welcome.”
They were words Leia didn’t realize sheneeded to hear. The next hour was about setting everything upoutside, including getting the hamburger patties and hot dogs ontothe grill. One of the men took over cooking while some of the womenset up tables. A bonfire ignited and music blared from some hiddensound system. As twilight gave way to evening, more men and womenjoined, and a party flared to life. All around Leia people laughed,joked, and told stories. Some couples broke off to dance. The scentof marijuana permeated the air. Alcohol was passed around likewater. Leia found herself smiling more than she’d had in the pastyear.
After filling her plate, Leia grabbed a beerand found a place to sit out of the way. She watched everyone fromthe sidelines, a place she was comfortable with. Martha came overand pulled a chair up beside her. An unlit cigarette dangled fromthe corner of her mouth and in her lap rested several picturealbums.
“I’ve brought the baby photos!”