Crazy In Love
It took a bit for the fervor in the stadium to calm down. Fitz lifted Dolly in a fireman’s carry once he shifted back, and to all our surprise, she let him caveman her off the field. Ren had clothes because of his damn amulet, so he went to fetch her things while Aubrey snorted smoke and took to the air. Felix headed for the boys’ locker room to get dressed for those matches, and they left me to follow my two mates as they stomped over the grass to the tunnel entrance. I’m pretty sure everyone else was as hyped as us, but Fitz growled them off.
He called dibs on tonight, after all.
My angel has been quiet as we walk, and I think she’s sorting through her brain. The last time she went super saiyan, she wasn’t really conscious. This time, however, she made rational choices and that messes with your head the first time. I know how that is; they forced me to do much worse in the ambush trials. I could almost feel her wrath from the field, though. Deep inside, there’s a kernel of darkness that recognizes the darkness in all her mates—which means she came damn close to killing that hyena.
Fitz would have, rules be damned, and shrugged it off if they penalized him for a match or two. He’s always been more reckless than Felix and me by leaps and bounds. But that’s the nature of being the second to the king: you always have to be ready to defend the crown. And Fitz Khan would tear the world apart for the people he loves, no question. That’s why he’s lugging her on his shoulder—if someone tries us, he’ll be the one dismantling their spine, not her.
I smile when I see our girl looking up at me from his back. “Yes, Angel?”
“Do you think I did the right thing?”
She’s adorable when she looks both fierce and unsure.
“I do. The Academie girl came at you dirty and if you’d let it stand, it would have set a precedent for the entire season. Right, Fitz?”
He snorts. “You did better than I would have. She’d be carrion food if it was me. Fuck their rules.”
She lets out a long breath and nods, her eyes on me as she finally smiles. “I did the focus thing, you know. Like you taught me, Fitzy.”
I arch a brow, curious how Fitzgerald Ulysses Castor Khan could teach anyone how to focus. “What focus thing? And why don’t you use that?”
My lover stops at the entrance, giving me a glare as he swipes his card. “First off, I was helping her center her mind. Second, mine doesn’t work like that.”
“It’s true,” Dolly pipes up. “He was squirrely as hell while I did the whole yoga-Jedi-balance-mind-and-body thing. I had to stay focused and balanced, but he danced all over the place like he was on something.”
Chuckling, I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before we head into the underground. “That makes much more sense. Those who can’t teach?”
“Exactly,” she giggles, as Fitz smacks her ass playfully. “Hey!”
“You’re full of sass now that you beat someone up. That’s more like me than you want to admit, Baby Girl.”
He’s right, too. Now that she’s out of the headspace she was in for competing, Dolly is back to being herself, but bubblier. Getting some of the frustration she’s buried inside out is good for her. “I think he’s got you nailed, Angel.”
Her eyes dance and then she winks. “Not yet, but soon enough, baby.”
Fitz doesn’t waste any time. The second the door to our quarters opens, he strides down the hall to Dolly’s bedroom and dumps her on the bed. His eyes are golden as he growls, “Out, Jinx.”
The sand cat looks up from its perch and sniffs before leaping to the floor and sashaying out the door. I chuckle softly as he kicks the door shut. Looks like our lovable psycho is ready to rock. Dolly props herself up on her elbows, smirking at him knowingly as he paces back and forth.
“Fitzy, stop that and get over here.” Her voice is husky, and it makes my cock twitch in anticipation when he does exactly as she commands.
When he moves, I walk over as well, crawling onto the bed with them as a flush creeps up my neck. From the second I saw Delores Drew through the library window, I wanted this moment—and now it’s here. Fitz looks over at me, his features delighted as he rakes his eyes over us both. His head tilts and his voice is raspy when he speaks. “Did you know, Baby Girl, that the day your beautiful feet hit this campus for the tour, Chessie wanted this? When you saw us through that window, we could see you and, for the first time, he asked if we could share you. He’d never once shown an interest in a girl I had the hots for, but the minute he saw you, his dick went insane.”
She blinks, taking that information in for a moment. Her eyes are blown as she looks up through her lashes at him, then at me. “All you had to do is ask, my knight. I can’t think of a better place to be than speared by a kitty sword fight.”
“Fuck,” I mutter as I press my swollen cock against her thigh. “You’re getting a dirty mouth, Angel.”
“Better fill it with something to wash it out, Chessie. I’ve got business with her golden pussy.”