Page 34 of In Prey We Trust

“Their tube impresses me. It’s like the underwater cafeteria, but it keeps the Games area separate.” The raccoon shifter squints at me as he tilts his head. “Are ye sure yer ready for this, Miss? Even prey watch the college and pro Prey Games—they are not for the faint of heart, lassie.”

As he swipes his card with tiny hands, we enter the secure tunnel to the island where the practice arena and the actual Games stadium are. They don’t give clearance to people who aren’t in or working with the teams. They ferry fans over for the actual matches and that boat doesn’t sail when it’s not a game day. Felix pointed out that if I don’t make enemies on the team, I might even be moderately safe here.

“I know, but I have fantastic coaches and being part of something this big might convince weaker preds to leave me alone. At least, that’s the guys’ theory.”

The Captain doesn’t look convinced, but he nods as he opens to the doors that lead to the practice arena. It’s another Khan sponsored building, but Felix assured me they own arenas in all the major academies. Besides the Leonidas’, the Khans have more influence in sports than all the other families combined. Fitz confirmed it has to do with sports book betting and the program at Bloodstone, but I feel like that’s not the only thing they’re doing by donating expensive facilities. That asshole who fathered them is as crooked as my parents and grandfather, and eventually, I’ll use it against him.

I just have to survive this murdering motherfucker and the cloaked cockwaffles first.

“Pick it up, ladies! You wouldn’t catch a sickly gazelle, much less a competitor at that speed!”

Gritting my teeth, I dig deep and push harder to pass the front of the pack so I’ll cross the line before the rest of them. The larger assortment of female competitors today gave me pause at the start of practice, but as time went on, I felt the daggers aimed at me when I could outshine most of them. I tried not to do it; I really did. But just like now, Zhenga wouldn’t let me stay in the middle of the group by putting less effort in. She refused to let me be less, so I wouldn’t threaten the new girls—which is sweet, but it’s going to cause a lot of fucking bullshit.

“Careful, DD, or those things will black out your eyes!”

My eyes widen as the shrill voice of Gold surprises me so much I almost stop short and cause a pileup on the track. Instead, I sprint past the starting line and straight over to the bench to flop down and guzzle water. I don’t look in my ex-friend’s direction—that’s what she wants more than anything. Attention is all the Heathers live for and if I stop allowing their immature behavior to affect me, I win. This is a new school with new rules and it's the perfect place to establish them as insignificant bullies rather than rulers of the roost.

“Aw, did that upset the whittle bunny?” This time it’s Pink and I have to fight not tense up. “I guess knowing you’ll still be a freaky loser at this school would be upsetting. Now that we’re here, the people have something to aspire to.”

Does she even hear the bullshit coming out of her mouth? Gross.

Before I end up laughing and ruining my untouchable act, another voice cuts in. “Coach Z! Who let the cheer morons on our field? I knew that high-pitched doggy whine had to be coming from somewhere. There are mutts in our midst.”

“Holy fuck,” I whisper to myself as I look up to see the group of girls I was avoiding fan out in an alpha female formation in front of the Heathers.

Their leader is the one who spoke—a tall, muscular jaguar shifter named Selene, whose mother is a famous pop star and father is an ex-Pred Games World Champion. But her gang comprises four other preds, just like Gold’s, though they couldn’t be more different. Unlike my old frenemies, these chicks aren’t dressed the same or even the same species.

Selene has a rainbow cadre of infamous friends, including Charlotte Bruce, a great white shifter; Jaiyana Faez, a crocodile; Roswitha Faust, a grizzly bear; and Kyaw Aung, a fangy python. Chess looked them all up when we saw the team roster earlier this week—their parents are diplomats, royals, rappers, sports stars, authors, and a fashion designer. The Faez family is an actual goddamn brand name, so she’s definitely not going to be intimidated by Gold’s stature.

I watch the Heathers mirror the new group—who I’m secretly going to call the Queen Bees—and I wonder if there’s going to be a non-sanctioned rumble in the middle of the grass.

“Ladies!” Zhenga comes storming over to the two groups squaring off, her expression annoyed. “Coach Rockland requested time on the field for her squad to practice with their new members from Apex. Let’s not have blood spilled from our cheering section—at least, not today.”

My lips curve as I watch the Bees stand their ground, but the Heathers know how dangerous Zhenga can be when she gets mad. They’ve seen her in the Games at Apex and these new chicks haven’t. It makes for an interesting stand off until a skinny woman with a long neck and ratty beehive comes rushing out of the stands squawking loudly. The sound is actually worse than Gold or the others shrieking and my sensitive bunny ears ring with the noise.

Who the fuck is this disaster and how do I avoid her as much as possible while we’re at Cappie?

“Coach Zhenga is right, my lovelies. These are our mighty heroes, battling for our alma mater in the gladiator’s circle and along with their muscled male counterparts, they deserve our undying admiration! Our squad are their muses, and they will show their appreciation for us when they are victorious.”

My eyes move between the two groups of glamazons and then to Zhenga, hoping someone will tell me what the fucking hell is going on. I pull my phone out of my duffel, shooting a text to Fitz as the two coaches have a confab in front of their groups.

BabyGirl: Someone needs to look into this Coach Rockland woman who runs the cheer squad.

CSpot: She’s my new boss.

TigerWoody: What?!

TigerKing: Why?

EmoBatMan: This sounds as if it will be problematic.

LustyLibrarian: Could everyone stop making enemies for a day or two until we deal with the ones we already have?

BabyGirl: I’m not making enemies! The Queen Bees on my team just had a standoff with the Heathers. There’s a mean girl brawl about to pop off, so she and Zhenga are trying to settle them down. Something about the way she speaks… makes my gut clench.

CSpot: She’s also an author… She asked some really uncomfortable questions.

TigerWoody: That’s it. I’m taking her tongue for a jar.