Page 136 of In Prey We Trust

Aubrey smiles, his expression crafty and taunting. “We’re a secretive lot, mythicals. Who are you to determine I’m not a plant? I’ve been on this continent watching for longer than most of the families who now pretend to rule all of shifterdom have existed.”

That gets her attention. My mother stiffens and I can tell she’s fighting the urge to do something rash because she’s uncertain if he’s bluffing. To be fair, I wouldn’t know, either, if it weren’t for Rennie giving me the heads up.

I’m never playing poker with my lust librarian, that’s for certain.

“Fine. You can deal with my erstwhile progeny—for now.” Her sniff is one of absolute disdain and I shoot her a haughty glare. “Delores, you will continue focusing on bringing positive attention to our family through academic excellence and your performance in the Games. Otherwise, I—”

Her command is cut off by a strangled scream echoing across the ballroom. I whip my head around to look at the guys. “It’s happening.”

Another shout, followed by a roar, accompanies the first, and the noise level in the crowd increases as people move. Felix stands, removing his jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt—hot as fuck and I have to shake my head a bit to clear. He winks at me, draping the suit coat on the chair before looking at Lucille in amusement. “I believe the chaos you hoped to lure has arrived. Do you plan on fighting or running?”

Lucille scoffs, half-shifting in a blink as she turns to Bruiser. “Make a hole. We must adjourn to our positions.”

“Of course you must,” I mutter as I watch the ballroom descend into panic as people realize there’s a problem. “You’ve never been one to sacrifice for anyone but yourself.”

“Dollypop, it’s time,” Rufus says as he and the triplets mimic Felix. The rest of the guys do the same, their eyes alight with their animals in anticipation of a fight. “You and Coco need to join us.”

I smirk, giving my mother the finger up close and personal before I reach down to yank the giant ball of tulle from my waist. The velcro gives just as Cori intended, leaving me in the special skintight leggings and knee-high, heeled combat boots that match the top of my ball gown. I’d kept the guys out from under my fancy getup for a reason—I needed everyone to underestimate me in case something like this happened. Cracking my neck, I half-shift, letting my ears and tail break free before turning to check that Cori had similarly ditched her gorgeous gown for snowy white fur.

“Let’s go save the day,” I say as I flex my claws.

Fitz smacks my ass, looking delighted as he takes in my change. “That’s it. I’m hiring Coco-cabana to recreate your entire fucking wardrobe, Baby Girl. I don’t know if I’m hard because we’re going to kill shit or because you look like Badass Barbie, but I am here for it.”

That said, he jumps on to the table, looking at the room for a moment before he lets out an ear-splitting roar. It gets the attention of the people fighting across the room and he winks at me before yelling, “Cowabunga!”

Did he just yell ‘Cowabunga’ as a battle cry? I swear to Hera, I love that fucking tiger.

My eyes pop open at the revelation, but I know we don’t have time for it. “You heard the man—time to kick some ass.”

With that, my family explodes away from our table into the growing fray of scrambling shifters and screams, leaving Lucille behind without another word.



Everyone moves at ma petite’s command and I smile proudly. She’s gained so much confidence this year and despite wanting to rip her mother limb from limb, watching her stand up for herself was satisfying, too. Dolly needed to know she could do it and her mother deserved to be knocked back for once.

But now we have mass chaos and I honestly can’t see who’s actually causing it.

Using my wings as a shield, I let the gargoyle harden me from head to toe so I can push through the knot of people yelling and flailing about. There are a lot of shifted students and family members, but I can’t find the source of their fear. It’s like there’s something invisible that’s—

“Mind benders,” I mutter to myself. “Mages, perhaps, but also…” I touch the shining amulet at my neck, then jump on a table, using it to see over the crowd. It makes a creaking sound, but I only need it briefly until I can see her. Dolly is stalking the perimeter, using the shadows at the edges to get the lay of the land. My chest tightens as I realize that’s a skill she learned hunting with Flames and I. “Good girl.”

Leaping off my perch before it buckles under my weight, I return to stalk through the hysteria. I listen for the original scream—the one that sounded as if it was preceded by someone being harmed. If there are mindbenders of any kind here causing the group to fight demons only they can see, they’ll be hidden, blending in to avoid detection.

~I can’t find any hoods. This assault is different magical users. ~

Hearing his voice in my head, I have to stop myself from nodding in response. I know he likely can’t see me, but we need to tell the others we won’t be able to stop this unless we find those who are wielding the illusory powers. I’m about to reply when a light flashes and a horde of hooded figures pour into the room from the shadows. ~Fuck. We have to let the others know some people are fighting illusions—mages or Fae. But now we have actual physical magicians as well. Ones who could be anything under those goddamn hoods. ~

~I see Felix. I’ll start with him. Keep your eyes peeled, love. And watch for the lunchable. ~

~She’s on the hunt. I saw her. ~

His presence in my head fades, leaving me to ponder how we’re going to find the illusionists. Suddenly, it occurs to me they would need a perch to see their destruction and control the puppets. They won’t be among the rioting academy shifters; no, they’ll be hiding in plain sight somewhere strategic. Pushing my way through until I reach a wall, I shift more, whipping my tail out for balance as my claws dig into the drywall for purchase. I climb and climb until I hit the high ceiling, then turn to look out over the scene carefully.

TigerFitz is ripping through as many groups of struggling people as possible, separating them from hoods and invisible attackers alike. I’m not sure if he can see them in his full form or if he’s going on instinct, but he’s trying to herd the innocents towards the main stairs as he does it. It’s a good plan—his focus work with Dolly is paying off. Close to him, I see Rufus and his triplets; the latter lifting people as they hover on large wings so the badger can beat the snot out of them with…brass knuckles?

But of course he is.