“Unicorns were my favorite,” I say with a smile. “They’re so beautiful and majestic.” My lover glares at me and I duck my head, amending my statement. “That is, after dragons and their awe-inspiring flames.”
Our quibble gets a small giggle from our girl. “Uh-huh. Their big old dicks are probably part of it, too.”
Now Aubrey turns red in the face, blustering as Fitz fist bumps her gleefully. “Hell yeah, Baby Girl. Make them uncomfortable; it’s hysterical.”
“Chimera, krakens, griffins, gorgons, phoenixes, gargoyles, dragons, unicorns, cockatrices, sirens, mer-folk… all of those are on the table now,” Felix drawls, trying not snicker. “We have no idea what we’ll run into if you’re right, Princess. But how do the missing students fit in?”
We all look at one another, hoping the immediate thought that leaps to mind isn’t correct. They’re kidnapping young, fertile students, and who knows what they’re doing with them? Incubators or donors—neither is an appealing possibility.
“Cherie, we cannot do more for them than we are. Every spare moment is spent figuring out whatever we can. You can’t blame yourself if you hoped some of the missing students got what they deserved for torturing you.”
She blinks, looking at me in surprise. “How did you know?”
I give her a small, sad smile. “Because I have been struggling with similar emotions over not being able to talk about the past that damaged me and why it’s important to what’s going on now.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Felix growls as he stands. The Raj rakes his hand through his growing hair, then puts his palms on the table, leaning in to look each one of us in the eyes. “We keep having to remind one another we’re not the bad guy and it’s a waste of time. From now on, unless you kill someone yourself, no one may feel guilty about this shit. Understand?”
We all look sheepish as we mumble agreement, but I don’t feel the words.
Chess rises, picking up a few of the plates to clear the table, and Fitz joins him. Felix rolls his eyes at me as I stay still, but he heads for the kitchen with his brothers. I’m still picking at my waffles when my mate rounds the table and leans in to whisper in my ear. His husky voice makes me flush with pleasure and I catch ma petite watching us with interest.
“You might start by telling bite size and me first, love. It would be easier and we’ll make sure you feel safe,” Aubrey murmurs. “We can even help you tell the others.”
“We’re fighting too many enemies with blindfolds on. The things you know about the magic users are what we need to figure out what their game is. Aubrey wasn’t around his clash when the Treaty happened, but you were with your clan. You were old enough to overhear important information.” Dolly reaches over the table and takes my hand, squeezing it. “We need you.”
“I know.” My voice is low as I duck my head. “Cradling the pain of those days has become so ingrained that I don’t know where to start. I was young and foolish, but my destiny was to be greater and I squandered it.”
Her lips curve as she looks at me in amusement. “Did you? I’m not sure finding a home, a mate, and a family of your own is squandering anything, Rennie. It might not have been what you were told was your path, but you made a new one on your own. Do you regret anything since you came to Apex?”
I shake my head. “No. Unless you count not listening to Fitz after he met you, but all of us were guilty of thinking he’d lost what little sanity he had chasing after a freshman prospect.”
Dolly chuckles and shrugs. “I wasn’t ready when he met me. The hurt and pain were so raw—my entire world collapsed in a single moment and I lost everything I thought I knew. You may empathize with me now, but I needed that summer to figure out who I was when others didn’t define me anymore.”
“You’re better off without them.”
“Mmmm. Has it occurred to you that you’re also better off without the people who hurt you so badly?” She gets up and comes closer, making me scoot so she can sit on my lap. “All of you were cast out by people who betrayed you—regardless of the reason—and therefore don’t deserve you. The sage wisdom you guys gave me about my friends and family applies just as easy to you as it does to me. It might be why we work so well.”
She’s fucking got me there.
“We need to talk about that, ma petite.” I cup her cheek, looking into her eyes seriously. “The time for cementing the bond that scared you so much last year is drawing near. Since you are accepting your animal in the ring, she’s been pushing you to behave like a female that’s found her mate.”
Her nose wrinkles, and she turns bright pink. “Noticed that, did you?”
“It’d be fucking impossible not to,” Aubrey interjects as he returns. “You come closer to breaking skin every time and we’re all afraid to let you make a choice you haven’t voiced your desire to make.”
I roll my eyes at him. We all agreed I could handle this topic, and I finally found a good time, but here he is stomping in like the damn dragon he is. “Flames is correct, chérie. We can’t allow you to draw blood until we know you understand and accept the gravity of the deed.”
“Guys, Coach Z had a long conversation with me privately about mating during a gym session. I don’t need you to teach me what it means.” Dolly pauses and looks at both of us for a moment before she mumbles, “But I need to know if people are going to be pissed when it happens. I mean, you know. It won’t all be at the same time and Z said there’s like a pecking order? I don’t know shit about that because—”
Dragon belly laughs ring out as Aubrey throws his head back in mirth. “Oh, for the love of Hera’s girdle, bite size! Do what feels right. If one of us gets a little butt hurt about not being first, you can work your girly wiles on them. As men, we might have hang-ups on what we can do in what order, but you can do whatever you want.”
“You can fight over what order you get to go in, but if I choose, you all have to suck it up?” She squints at him curiously, then looks at me. “Really?”
“Really,” I say with a rueful grin. “Your mates will not complain their woman chose them nor ruin their chance at being next. At least, that’s what I assume.”
Dolly crosses her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes as she grumbles, “Again, why are men? Ugh!”
The tigers finally return with Chess, watching our girl as she glares daggers at them. Fitz frowns at Aubrey and me, raising a hand to point accusingly. “What the hell did you morose motherfuckers do to my Baby Girl? You made her pissy and I won’t have it. Felix, where’s that damn sword from Halloween? I want to challenge them to a duel.”