“Proposal? Since when do you chat with the likes of Lucille Drew?” I don’t like the sound of this one bit and it will ruin Dolly’s holiday if she has to go home unaware of her mother scheming behind her back again.
“That’s for later, son. Do as I said. Go to the club and fight. The rest you can earn by drenching our name in victory.”
Fuck. I have a bad feeling about this.
“We’re almost there. I don’t think I need to remind you that this bar is owned by the Princess’ family and my father runs the fights. Nothing we do or say is private, and no one goes off alone.” I look at the others in my backseat, hoping like hell Chess is giving the same speech in the car behind us.
I knew I’d never convince the others to stay behind, but I didn’t know we’d be hauling her friends as well.
“How did you get me an off-campus pass?” Dolly asks from her place squished between Fitz and Aubrey.
Fitz bobs his brows. “He didn’t. I ‘arranged’ it in the system. The dipshits patrolling the grounds don’t question why something pops up for them, so they didn’t question why five professors and a student are making an educational trip the night before break. It’s what happens when you hire muscle trained not to think; they don’t.”
“Hopefully, the mouthy mobster doesn’t get himself in trouble,” Aubrey mutters. “I think Cori will behave, but I worry about the other one.”
“Rufus can be vicious, you guys. I know he’s silly and shit when he’s with me, but I saw the giants he must have fought to keep his place as the McCoy heir. If he gets into a scrap, he’ll finish it.” Princess gives me a serious look and since she knows what the cage looks like under Inky Depths, I have to trust her.
“Truthfully, I have no idea why he wanted me to come fight tonight. The only reasons that make sense are he’s trying to kill me with some asshole ringer or he’s putting money on the fights. I’d be a wildcard, and he’d have the knowledge to hedge how he bets until I show.”
Ren stops the car in the parking lot as I muse, waiting for the other vehicle before he turns off the engine. “Mon ami, there are likely multiple motives behind this demand. We are all prepared to help if it warranted, but our primary concern should be why he insisted you bring ma petite. With the lockdown, it would have been infinitely easier for you and Fitz to go on your own. No, I do not believe betting is the only answer.”
We all step out of the car, and I gaze at the motley crew. Everyone but Fitz and I were dressed to the nines to appear as spectators. Just in case our asshole father throws a curveball, my twin came ready to change for a fight as well. Neither of us like being here on command and definitely not with our father’s explicit directive. We cannot trust the Raj in normal times, but now that he’s colluding with Lucille Drew and fuck knows who else, he’s even more dangerous.
“Ren’s right,” I say as I look at them all. “The Raj is sneaky and only out for himself. We’re going to get in, do this, and leave before any other bullshit rains down on us. As I said in our car, no one goes anywhere alone, and think about every word that leaves your mouth. Who knows who is listening and what their allegiance is? Understand?”
Aubrey huffs a smoke ring, squeezing the squishy in his pocket as he shifts. “Okay, General Patton. You’ve made your speech. Let’s go in and attempt to comply without my dragon deciding to decimate this hellhole.”
Not an auspicious start at all.
Fitz positions himself on one side of the Princess and I take the other, leading her inside as the rest of our group follows. We don’t meet resistance upstairs this time—no, we’re waved to the elevator to head downstairs immediately. I don’t enjoy feeling as though we’ve been pre-announced and my gut is telling me to be prepared for something worse than expected. The door dings and we step out into the cavernous underground full of sin and vice.
“There’s a regular shifter Vegas down here,” Chess murmurs. “That asshole probably makes a fortune on the vig and the take.”
I snort. “Definitely. He’s got loan sharks down here, no question. Players are getting taken for a ride no matter what they do.”
Fitz shakes his head. “Let’s get to the ring and get out of here. I’ve got a bad feeling now, too.”
“Starting to feel like Star Wars and I don’t like it,” Dolly grumbles. “Everyone needs to calm down before the big guy singes someone’s suit coat.”
“She’s not wrong.”
Whipping my head around to glare at the dragon, I convey what I hope is a plea for restraint. He and Ren are high-value, rare shifters. The less attention they attract to themselves, the better chance we have of not having to kick the ass of some rogue hunter watching the fights. “Everyone, just keep it cool.”
“This place is terrifying,” Cori whispers, and I hear Rufus laugh.
He seems unperturbed as we approach the smell of blood, sweat, and fear that saturates the area around the ring. I realize Dolly may have been right—the badger has some experience with this. He might be useful if we get into trouble. Before I can say anything to him, I see Z running up in her skimpy fight clothes, already stained with blood.
“No, no, no!” she yells as she sees us. “Damnit, Felix, why the fuck are you here?”
I blink. “What the hell is with you, Z? You’re covered in blood and shouting like a lunatic.”
“Take a Xanax, woman. No one’s here to mess up your little Leonidas bullshit.” Fitz rolls his eyes at her, but tension rolls off him. He knows something is wrong.
Zhenga pulls the towel off of her neck, blotting the blood spatter off of her face before she grits her teeth and grinds out, “I asked why you’re here tonight because it’s a special night. We have planned it since I got here and no, I didn’t mention it because why the hell would I? You never showed an ounce of interest in underground fighting until the one night you showed, and it was clear that was a stunt. But you shouldn’t be here tonight.”
“Zhenga, please tell us why the hell you’re having a panic attack in full view of everyone in this cave?” Aubrey looks like he’s being polite, but you can tell by the timbre of his voice that his dragon is not happy.
“Tonight is Pred Games night, you idiots! Any former or current competitor must fight if they attend. Didn’t anyone tell you when you came in upstairs? They’re supposed to inform people.”