“Is anyone else wondering if the mysterious ingredients have something to do with the plants we found in the Charles’ room?” Chess holds up a bite of my eggs, obviously intent on making sure I finish my entire plate despite the topic.
A deep sigh from my gargoyle makes me turn to see him pressing his face into Fitz’s back to hide. “I’m sure they are, Chester.”
“Aloysius doesn’t have reference samples for that, especially if they’ve been changing it all for years. But he said Kinsley must have been doing some of her work in labs other than the one at Cappie—much higher end ones. It makes sense because she had to have been working there to create the poison she slipped into the punch at the dance.” Aubrey looks troubled as he scans the email again. “She had powerful and wealthy friends—not just the magic rebels.”
“We’re going to need more boards,” I mutter as I look around. “Lots more boards.”
Bad Omen
I spent Monday focused on two things: trying to snoop through Rockland’s files for intel and ordering more sleuthing supplies for the Dojo. Despite Felix and the others hating the name, it amuses the hell out of me, so I don’t mind Fitz’s moniker for the library annex we live in. We got more boards and displays so we can accurately tie all the pieces together as we uncover them—a project I was happy to take on. I function best as a support player and I’m completely comfortable with that role.
Ironman needed Happy and Holmes needed Watson; I’m the logistical backup.
That doesn’t mean I’m not eager to get my hands on the people hurting my angel, nor does it mean I won’t join the fight. I’m simply better suited to making sure everyone is taken care of and we have all the things we need. Luckily, I also blend into the background since I’m unassuming, so my new ‘boss’ in the guidance office doesn’t pay attention to me when she’s not digging for gold about my sex life. I’ve flown under her radar most days and I keep hoping I’ll overhear something juicy Rufus’ relative can use to shut the bitch down before this stupid book of hers sees the light of day.
Afternoon classes are ending early today, so I don’t have much time before I can go home to face whatever craziness Dolly’s friends have inflicted on our attire for the night. They won’t be as well fit or designed as the ones they handmade last year, but if I know Cori and Rufus, they probably tailored them based on the measurements they have in their design books. Their attention to detail is why I let them have their head last year, especially since they took our girl under their wings and it worked out perfectly.
I just hope I get pants this year. It’s colder here than it was at Apex this time of year.
“Chester? I desire you in my office!”
I have to repress a shiver as the vulture beckons me in the most egregious manner possible. Taking a deep breath, I pause what I’m working on and walk over to the door to her inner sanctum. My smile is pasted on, but I’m not worried about looking sincere. I know she doesn’t care if she squigs me out; she’s made it very clear her office is run a certain way and complaints will lead to consequences I won’t like. I’d have to be dense not to realize that means she’ll take it out on Dolly.
“Yes, Carina? How may I assist you?” Again, I suppress a shudder of revulsion at the way I’ve been instructed to respond to her whims.
The scrawny woman tilts her head, the rat’s nest messy bun on top of it looking as if it hasn’t been brushed for a month as she studies me. She doesn’t take any pains with her appearance and I can appreciate deciding to reject all the oppressive standards our society holds women to, but the dark bags under her eyes mean she’s likely in a foul mood. I’ve learned to read her body language and tone quickly to avoid being verbally thrashed, if possible. It’s bad enough for her to be a raging egomaniac that treats others like dog shit on her shoes, but when anything disrupts her life in the slightest, she takes it out on every person she comes in contact with.
Rockland is a miserable, self-centered hag who yearns for the lives she creates in her sordid tales and punishes the world around her because she doesn’t like herself.
“A little slow this morning? I noticed you didn’t respond to any of my emails this morning.” Her gaze is bland, but I can sense the edge in her tone.
Forcing myself to keep my irritation buried lest I get screamed at, I reply evenly, “Your emails began coming in at six a.m. and I was not in the office until nine a.m. I cannot respond to your messages when I am not awake or in the office, so I waited to respond.”
“Hmph. Lax of you, Chester. I should get an immediate response. Our work is too important and I have a busy schedule to attend to. I cannot wait for you to decide when you feel like replying to me simply because you do not have a work ethic as dedicated as mine. Do you not care about our students? Are you not committed to your role here?”
Blinking at the rapid escalation and her increasingly loud tone, I gather my thoughts. I don’t want to inflame her ire further, but I also can’t allow her to pressure me into making her whims central to my life. This guidance position is only half of my job at Cappie, and I have a very full life that I’m not giving up to appease her. Unfortunately, she also holds a great deal of sway with someone powerful we haven’t discovered yet and I don’t want her to make my angel’s life miserable or ruin anyone I love’s careers.
The urge to stomp in and rip her throat out for daring to threaten my family is stronger than I’ve ever felt it.
I swallow hard, calming the cheetah as best I can, then finally say, “Carina, the official contracts are very clear about work schedules and using personal devices to accomplish work tasks. I am in your office part time; therefore, I cannot complete tasks for you when I’m not on the guidance department’s hours. That’s a call made by the shifter resources department, not me.”
The way her face reddens tells me logic wasn’t the way to go. Pushing out of her chair, she stands behind her desk looking infuriated that I dared to correct her—although she was wrong and could very well be violating policies set by the administration. “How dare you act like you’re smarter than me! You think you’re untouchable because you’re suckling the teats of your adoptive family, but I have far more power and influence than you ever could. Everyone knows you only get hired because the Khans throw money at places. Unlike you, I have earned my respect, my fans, and my place at the top. You will never achieve my success because no one believes you have even a modicum of talent or brains; you’re just Fitz Khan’s little fuck toy.”
What in the actual fuck did I do? Why is she this triggered? Holy fuckbuckets.
“Carina,” I begin carefully. “I didn’t intend to imply anything with my statement other than I don’t wish to violate the rules. If you felt I was being insulting when reminding you of the policies, I apologize. I merely—”
“Stop acting like you did nothing wrong! I don’t care what you intended. What you said was clear enough for me to catch the implication. I won’t stand for you making this about you. You were in the wrong and you’re delusional if you think I’ll accept that apology.”
Rockland is almost vibrating with rage, and I have no idea what in the hell she wants now. My apology was normal; what could I say more than I didn’t mean for her to infer I’m smarter? I am smarter than her; hell, a pineapple is smarter than this woman. But I definitely didn’t imply that, nor have I ever hinted I believe that to be true. This flip-out is all her internalized trauma, but I also can’t say that. She’ll definitely lose her marbles if I point that out.
How in the name of Ares’ fat cock are the idiots at Cappie allowing this psycho to advise impressionable minds?
“All I can do is reiterate my apology, Carina. I did not intend for my reminder to become an issue this large. I only wanted to make certain we were doing things correctly, so we aren’t violating the rules.”
She rounds the desk, looking even more angry as she stalks towards me menacingly. “If I want to be educated on something, I’ll fucking tell you. Otherwise, you can gate keep someone else, you delusional twit.”