Fitz was right—I was sore enough on Sunday that I lazed around the house, eating and working on homework. Rufus and Cori came over for a bit, jazzing up the place with their excitement over my subtle ‘fuck you’ to my mother. Everyone was chill as hell; even Felix and Aubrey joined us in the big work nest. The day was so perfect I hated to go to bed and have it end.
But it did, and for the next few days, I had to grit my teeth through the snide remarks from my detractors and evil professors until Thursday, when I finally escaped the clutches of my shitty Rockland appointment. Tonight I’m going to the National Library with Rennie and Aubrey to work on finding information about the maps we saw at Apex. I got completely caught up on my work for classes by yesterday so I could focus solely on this. The hooded twatwaffles have been quiet and we haven’t heard a peep about the dead body since it happened, but I know that will not continue.
It’s never as easy as they finally fucked off to bother someone else.
When I get back to the library, I wave at Banjo and head to the back, moving my arm next to the sensor. I giggle when I think of Raina tossing all our removed chips into various things that some of my enemies might have consumed. Maybe it’s a bit asshole-ish, but I also adore thinking about Lucille or the Raj wondering why the fuck we’re off doing whatever the Heathers or Plastics do when they’re not bullying me. It’s extremely satisfying, so I forgave myself for doing something a little over my lines.
“I’m back. She behaved—mostly—today. A lot of the questions were about the Games and the viral vid.” I frown as I think about it for a minute. “I wonder if Farley has started his campaign yet.”
Aubrey appears in the doorway of the main room, walking out with a fond smile. “In due time, I’m sure. The tattooed badger swore it would be swift when it happened, so I doubt we’ll have to wonder.”
Grinning, I reach up to grab Jinx off his shoulder and cuddle her. “Are we still going to the big library tonight? If so, should I dress sneaky or what? Lucille never took me places where humans might be about. The first time was with you at the little bunny fair.”
“I think normal clothes will do, though I advise against a skirt.”
I arch my brow at him. “Why? Too tempting?”
“Too revealing for flight, lunchable,” he scolds. “We’re going incognito to a spot where the Captain left a vehicle then driving. We don’t want people knowing you’ve left campus.”
Since the last I was off campus without a full fluffle, we got attacked. I see his point.
“You don’t think you and Rennie can protect me?” I pout teasingly and he rolls his eyes.
“Bite size, you can also protect yourself, as evidenced by the battle scars from this weekend. But we are far more likely to draw attention fighting those freaks than Fitz and the crew. My size alone…”
I bite my lip and bat my lashes at him. “How would I know about your size? You’ve been holding out, dragon.”
His eyes darken and he takes Jinx back, growling under his breath before he says, “Go change. We leave in a half hour.”
“Sir, yes, Sir!”
Aubrey snorts. “That does not work on me, nibblet, only the Raj. You’ll have to try harder.”
There’s no way to describe flying on a dragon’s back over the city while your gargoyle lover goads him into a chase. I held on so tightly I was afraid it might hurt him, but Rennie just laughed as they dipped and spiraled through the air. Fully shifted, they’re equally enormous and the playful race wasn’t the stealthiest way to get to our hidden car, but by the time we landed, my heart was racing.
I may be an adrenaline junkie.
Yet another fancy old car awaited us, and Rennie’s smug look as he tore down the highway made Aubrey squeeze me to his chest. I had to tap his arm so I could breathe a couple times, but otherwise, I had no complaints about being wrapped up in his enormous arms. I don’t think he minded as much as he let on, either, because I definitely felt something poking me as we sped towards our destination.
When we pull up to the imposing building, I swallow hard. Like many famous places in the capital, the National Library is a ‘shared space.’ Both humans and shifters roam free in the Library, the Smithsonian, the Capital, and lots of other well-known buildings. The treaty the Council made after they broke with magic users allowed our government to meld into the shadows, creating a second powerful cabal underground. At least, that’s what my jackass History teacher said. I doubt it was that clean, nor was it as easy as Herr Frozen Cock says, but it’s what I have to go on for now.
“Are you okay, lunchable?” Aubrey tilts his head when the car stops, observing me.
“I… I’m nervous,” I admit as I dip my head. “What I know about interacting with humans is limited to TV and movies, so I’m afraid I’ll break some super secret law or something.”
Rennie snorts and shakes his head. “Ma petite, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Humans are so conditioned to see what they expect to see that they write off everything as solar flares or gas leaks. Even our fiery mate’s snafu has been written off as an accident in human lore.”
“Of course you bring that up,” the dragon grumps. “I was eight, for fuck’s sake. My clash overreacted because the humans overreacted and…”
Aubrey throws his hands up, and I can almost feel his misery over the past wafting from him. Reaching up, I take his wrists and lower his arms, then place my palms on his. My eyes are soft as I look at him earnestly. “You’re right. A child who didn’t know how to control himself should have never been put in that position. Your clash, your parents, your family… they all failed you by sending you away to Apex. There were other ways to resolve the problem, but their own shame and guilt caused them to place blame where it didn’t belong. But we don’t care if you destroyed a bunch of old paper and books, Aubrey. Our family cares about you and who you’ve become since then.”
“Awwww. Ma cherie, that was lovely,” Rennie says, pretending to sniffle. “It made my stony heart grow three sizes!”
Both of us smack him and we all laugh. Aubrey gives me the most gentle smile I’ve seen yet as he flips my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Thank you for saying that. I’m still a long way from forgiving myself, but that’s the dragon in me.” He pauses and gives me a curious look. “But who said I came directly to Apex, snack size? You realize how old I am, right? It didn’t exist when they sent me to these lands.”
I frown, looking at my hands and wishing I could count on them, but I know Rennie will give me hell. “Well, in theory, I understand how old you are but… If you didn’t get exiled straight to Apex without passing ‘Go,’ where the hell did an eight-year-old dragon end up?”