His lack of knowledge hits Lucille right where it was intended and she whips her head around to give him her patented death glare. The anger at someone feigning ignorance of her station radiates off of her in waves and Bruno smirks a little at her back. “Just who are you to interrupt a private conversation?”
The soft chuckle from behind me almost makes me smile. “I am Chisisi Kavarit, one of the three princes of Kavarit, and guardian of ancient knowledge. Pardon my ignorance, madam, but our kind do not focus on the passing fancies of current leaders so much as history.”
“Though conversation is stretching the term a bit,” Ramses adds drily. “I’ve been in tombs less quiet than this stand-off.”
Lucille’s face contorts with rage and this time, Bruno does laugh. That draws her ire to him, and my mother whirls to hiss at him. “Be gone, you useless sack of purse leather. It’s your fault we’re in this situation. Go pretend you’re relevant elsewhere or I’ll inform Dmitri.”
What the fuck?
I’ve seen Lucille treat Bruno like an accessory unworthy of her airspace before, but this is much more pointed. Something has changed, and she’s cagey enough to keep me far from the information I’d need, even if it would help me survive. A single brow quirks as I watch Bruno shrink and scurry off without a word—though Bruiser stays put. I suspected his real loyalty was to my mother and now it’s confirmed. At least one question has been ticked off my list so far, though it brought a new one as Bruno’s cowering.
“It appears you have made quite a few acquaintances since I sent you to Apex, Delores. I would have expected you to keep me in the loop about your life. Apparently, I was misguided.” Lucille’s eyes have shifted golden, but the rest of her is human. It’s a warning I recognize, but I can’t allow her to dominate me this time. “I’m disappointed.”
My expression is placid but tempered with ice as I respond. “I’m a grown woman, Lucille. Surely you realized it was time for me to manage my own affairs?”
Her gaze narrows as she rakes it over my table of friends and lovers. “It appears your judgment has improved since your prom night. That’s a relief. I was concerned you’d continue chasing those vapid ninnies and your whimpering dog forever.”
Bullshit. She was furious at the loss of my connection to the other Council families.
“I don’t choose my friends and family to use their connections or wealth, Lucille. That’s your bailiwick—not mine.” I paste an even faker smile on as I look in their direction, feeling the strength emanating from my guys. Of course, there’s a barely contained vein of rage there as well, but they know as well as I do that I have to do this on my own.
Lucille snorts, waving her jewel encrusted hand. “Highly doubtful. Kings, princes, enforcers, heirs… you have the combined GDP of South America at this table—both legal and illegal incomes. Your ability to sniff out those who can elevate your pathetic abilities is unparalleled.”
A growl echoes from behind me, and I know it’s Fitz. His cup is overflowing with the need to torture my mother until her screams fade into the abyss. I lift my hand, waving at him as my mother did with Bruno. The only show of power she respects is the kind she knows, and dismissing his concern will show her I’m in charge.
I’m absolutely fucking not, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Why are you here, Lucille?” I stand straighter, lifting my chin to make the crown on my head seem more appropriate.
Her lips curve, eyes dancing with evil intent when she notices the glittering dragon crown—just as I intended. “Excellent. I see you’re already reaping the benefits of your associations. Perhaps I’ll make a Rostoff out of you yet.”
Felix slams his fist on the table, and I turn to touch his head lightly to calm him. “I am who I am, Mother. You no longer have the ability to mold me in your image, and I no longer wish to pretend I’m allowing you to do so. So I’ll ask again. What. Do. You. Want?”
“I want to know exactly what I’m dealing with, Delores. If we’re going to stop pretending, you know the Council is here to put a stop to the missing heirs before someone important is taken. No more, no less. Inspecting my merchandise is only a side benefit.”
My temper flares when she refers to me as merchandise, but I don’t let her see my fury. “I don’t see how holding an event destined to draw attention and therefore, harm, to a large swath of the elite achieves that goal.”
“Most of them are expendable, Delores; you’ve never paid attention to my lessons the way you should have. Those who aren’t know what to do should the worst come to pass.”
The people she thinks are important know a way out of this nightmare scenario and everyone else will be left to fend for themselves.
“By your estimation of expendability, of course.” I turn for a moment, looking at the crowds of shifters dancing, my gut twisting at the idea of sacrificing an entire room of people to prove a point. “This is low, even for you, Lucille. It feels… over your paygrade.”
Her left eye twitches—just once and almost small enough that it’s barely noticeable—but she shrugs languidly. “Nothing is above my paygrade, daughter. You’d do well to remember that.”
The voice startles me and I turn to see Aubrey standing in his place, the rainbow of his dragon bleeding into his eyes. His fire is burning hot inside—that much is apparent—but his temper is even more volatile. I dip my chin at him, hoping to show that I’m okay and he doesn’t have to do this. In fact, it may make things worse in the end. But his expression doesn’t change and I know I won’t be able to back him off from across the table.
“Did you have something to say, Draconis?” Lucille smirks, pleased that she’s gotten a rise out of someone.
Aubrey crosses his arms over his broad chest, not backing down an inch. “If a single hair on Dolly’s head is harmed tonight, it will nullify all treaties. Renard and I will make certain the news travels to the right individuals. Your power will be diminished if every one of the remaining groups of old withdraws support for your side.”
Excuse me, what? What the fuck is he talking about?
My eyes drift to Rennie briefly and the twinkle I see there, even briefly, tells me what I need to know. Aubrey is purposely baiting her with our suspicions. They’re all watching to see how Lucille reacts, hoping to guide us where to look for answers next. This is a gambit—a dangerous one—but a gambit, just the same. When I look at my mother again, there’s another twitch in that eye. A smile curves my lips as I realize I’ve found one of her tells.
“You risk much, dragon. We’re all aware of how long you’ve been in exile, no matter how short your time at Apex has been in contrast.” Lucille looks at him carefully, studying him like a big under a jar. “The influence you think you wield is vastly overblown.”