Despite the exhaustion of the past week and worry over what’s coming, I feel a genuine smile come over my face. Knowing my guys trust my friends and they all get along is a boon. Everyone in this room is important to me, and I know I’m going to need them to get through the bullshit coming. Hearing Cori talk about her brand like we actually have a future after we do all this crap gives me hope. I’m not sure when I started worrying that we might not have one, but now… I’m good.
“Then we’d better be ready to work the room, so you get lots of press before it all goes to shit.” I wink at her, then crawl back over the cushions to squeeze between Rennie and Aubrey this time. As if on command, Rennie’s wings pop free and wrap around, hiding me from view. Laughing, I poke my head out. “Not yet, silly. We’re fine for the moment.”
“Ma petite, our inner beasts will get more protective as we get closer to danger. The gargoyle is not happy. We don’t know what will happen at the ball. I suspect the others are having the same problem, but my reaction is harder to hide.”
I look at the rest of my guys, and they’re studiously not looking at me. Big scaredy cats… some literally. I lean in and kiss Ren’s nose, then move to Aubrey. Once I do that, I crawl over to the ambush of cats, sprawling across them with a grin.
“Annnnnd that’s our cue to make like a tree,” Rufus says as he tugs Cori up. “Lovely food, Chess, and good time had by all. We’ll hunker down in the reading room in the library for the night. It has excellent couches and pillows.”
I lift my hand, waving at them as they tromp off, unable to take my eyes off the dark look in Felix’s eyes. “Good night!”
“Oh, it’s going to be, Princess. You’ve been a very good girl this week.”
Fuck yeah, I have.
Feeling Good
I look down at my angel with the hunger of my cat shining in my eyes. The twins’ tigers are similarly shimmering just under their skin and I know whatever happens tonight is only going to cement Dolly’s bond to our family even deeper. Felix rises, winking at me as he leans down to scoop our girl up and turns to the winged shifters.
“To the Bunnycave, gentlemen.”
They laugh, joining Fitz and I as we leap to follow our exiled royal. The playfulness is not new, but since he and my angel got together, it’s returned from the dead. Felix has stopped punishing himself for the past and it makes my heart happy to see it. I look over at Aubrey and Ren as they smile like idiots—something very unlike them until last year—and a sense of fulfillment sparkles through me like champagne.
This is what we’re meant to be, and Dolly gave it to us.
“Chessie, get a move on!”
My Angel’s voice calls to me from the hallway to her room and I chuckle as Felix boots the door open with a grunt. Her delighted laugh echoes off the high ceilings of her chamber, and I watch her bounce as the tiger tosses her on the bed with a smirk. She sprawls out on the mess of tangled black satin sheets, her pastel rainbow hair a stark contrast to the inky color. Fitz is already rummaging through her toy chest, muttering to himself excitedly, but Felix is eyeing her with a wicked gleam in his amber eyes. He’s plotting something and I’m going to wait until he works it out in his head.
Strategy is one of his gifts, after all.
“Fitz,” he barks suddenly. “I think the dragon needs his ropes.”
Aubrey’s face lights up as he runs to join the tiger in rummaging through the trunk. I arch a brow at Felix, but he doesn’t seem worried at all; in fact, he looks extremely pleased. He peels his shirt off, jerking his head at Ren and me to do the same. Once we’re bared, he walks over to my angel, looking down at her with love shining in his eyes. She hasn’t moved, and she doesn’t look concerned, which is a good sign.
“Princess, have they tied you yet?”
Dolly shakes her head as he leans over her to brush his lips over her temple. “No, Sir. Not beyond wrists.”
“Then I want you to pay close attention. You need to understand everything so you’re safe—something we will ensure as long as you do as you’re told. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” she breathes as he helps her to a sitting position and sits down next to her.
The Raj smiles gently. “Good girl. Now, Aubrey is going to tie you into a harness that will feel intensely tight, but not cut off circulation. You must stay still so he can focus the knots on the right places and not damage nerves. Once he’s done, we’ll get you ready. What’s the word again, Princess?”
“Beetlejuice. I say it and everything stops.”
Rennie grins at her, his eyes dark as they cut between her and the others as they pull out the equipment. “It doesn’t matter why, ma petite. If it hurts, if you’re scared, if you don’t like it… none of that will get you in trouble. Oui?”
“Oui, mon chere1,” she whispers and all three of us groan.
What is it about French that makes you horny? Fuck if I know, but hearing it from my angel just made my cock turn to iron.
“Teach her more of that, Broody Bi-lingual,” Fitz yells. “My dick could drive nails right now.”
“Votre souhait est mon ordre2, Fitzgerald.” This time Aubrey rumbles and smoke rings drift over towards us as he mutters to himself. “Flames likes it, too.”