Victoria’s face was a picture as Cady released her arm and she dropped to the floor. Picking herself up, she glared at the pair and stamped from the room, knocking a waiter carrying champagne to the floor on the way past. The crowd dispersed, some picking up the waiter, and the pair was left alone. Cady rubbed her back and grimaced at the pain. Luke grabbed her other hand and stared at her with his beautiful big blue eyes.
“Cady, I am so glad..”
“No, let me speak please Luke,” Cady shushed his full lips with her index finger.
“I really like you, Luke, I am sorry for how I acted, but I really would like you to be in my, our life. If that’s alright with you.” She looked at him hopefully, biting her lip, and he thought his heart would burst. “I love the painting of me, by the way,” she smiled.
Luke grinned. “Wait till you see my apartment, it’s like a shrine.”
The pair giggled and Luke bent to kiss her. As his lips touched hers, she let out a shriek. Luke felt a gush of warm water hit his shoes and the pair looked at each, horror mirrored in their faces.
Luke grabbed her hands and whispered, “Cady, did your waters just break?”
She looked at him sheepishly, and then groaned as a contraction seized her stomach in a vice. Several people were looking now, and as Luke half carried, half helped her to the doors, they heard one person exclaim, “Wow, live art! This guy is amazing!”
They both sniggered and headed for Cady’s car, puffing and panting all the way.
12 hours later, Cady was staring into the second pair of beautiful blue eyes she had seen that day, only these belonged to her daughter. A daughter that was perfect, and gorgeous, and here. Luke had been there throughout, mopping her brow and spurring her on, and he even cut the cord when Imogen was born. They both sat there, staring at this entirely new person, in a state of total euphoria.
Luke, sat on the bed next to his girls, bent his head and kissed them both.
“I need to go get changed and get the baby’s things, will you be okay?”
Cady nodded, high on life. “Yes, and bring the car seat please? Priscilla and Dick will be here soon, that alright?”
Luke rolled his eyes. “They are her grandparents, I understand. And I think that Richard would have liked me, you know?”
She scrunched up her adorable nose at him. “You got something to tell me?”
He laughed. “Another day, sweetheart. I won’t be long.”
“Hurry back,” she said, laughing as Imogen’s mouth clamped onto her finger, rooting for food.
“Cady,” Luke said softly. “Love you both.”
She smiled and looked adoringly back at him.
“We love you too.”
Richard’s heart was fit to burst. Or it would be, if he still had a heart; he wasn’t sure souls did. Gerty hugged him fiercely. “You did it child, you happy now?”
Richard nodded, tears in his eyes, throat thick with emotion. “I am yes, they will be okay, I know it.”
Gerty smiled and straightened her robes.
“You ready to move on?” She held out her hand, just as one corner of the room opened up, showing a blinding, shimmering white light.
He took her hand, took one last look at Cady and Imogen and blew them a kiss.
“I’m ready.”
And they walked into the light together.
When Luke called at his apartment to pack a bag full of clothes, he noticed someone had tinkered with his newest painting, a painting of Cady with a baby looking similar to Imogen in her arms. Someone had written in paint at the bottom.
Never let her go..
Luke smiled and saluted the air.