Olivia released him from her embrace. “What?” she asked. He told her about Rania. Olivia frowned. “Remind me to slap her later,” she said.

Joseph chuckled a little. “You want to slap her?” he asked.

“Of course! How dare she?”

Joseph smiled and pressed a small kiss against her lips. She was so adorable. Olivia pulled him closer and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as they kissed. He felt so sane and relaxed in her arms. Only she could lighten his mood so easily.


“The DNA test showed a 97% match,” Joseph said to his parents the following day at the breakfast table. His parents both stopped eating and looked at him.

“Joseph, how many more surprises are you going to throw at us?” Esther asked him.

“I did not plan this. It is a surprise to me also,” he replied.

“You should have been careful,” his father said to him.

“I know; I regret not taking extra precautions.” Joseph was not pleased about the entire situation. Just when things were going great with Olivia, Hudah had to come along. It angered him that he had not been careful when he was with her. He was also angry that she had not told him about it until now.

“What is the point regretting it now?” his mother asked him. “You have no other choice but to right your wrongs.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You must marry her of course.”

“What?” Joseph spat out. He whipped his head in his father’s direction. “Father!” he said.

“I am sorry, son, but I am with your mother on this one,” his father replied.

Joseph dropped his fork onto his plate.

“I can’t marry Hudah. I will not marry her!”

“So you want your son, my grandson, to grow up as an illegitimate child. I will not allow that to happen,” said his father.

Joseph was trying to stay calm but it was not working. His hands started shaking with anger.

“I cannot lose Olivia all because the two of you care about your reputation more than my happiness,” he said as he rose from the table.

“You will not speak to me like that,” said his father. Joseph had never been disrespectful to his father but he was furious. “I will not force you into anything. It’s your choice,” he added.

“Habibi, what are you saying?” Esther said to her husband.

“Thank you,” said Joseph.

“Let me finish.” Joseph’s father paused for a moment. “If you marry Hudah, you will inherit my oil company. If you marry Olivia, you will inherit nothing.”

Esther gasped loudly and placed her hand over her mouth. She looked like she was going to pass out in shock.

Joseph raised his eyebrows. After everything he had done for the company, he wondered how his father could give him such an ultimatum. “Expect my resignation on your desk later today,” he said.

“Joseph!” his mother screamed. Joseph stormed out of the room. The company wasn’t worth it if he had to give up the only person he had ever fallen in love with.