Page 34 of Demons

“Then, act like one,” Thatcher told him. “Capri is Bloodline’s jockey. She rides him.”

Miller said nothing, but nodded. I could see he feared Thatcher, unlike Sebastian.

“Tomorrow, hold back on the last break by two more seconds,” Thatcher instructed, then took his cigarette from his mouth and let out smoke through his nose.

I nodded, not wanting to talk to him.

“You ready to go?” he asked me, then took another pull from the cigarette.

“I was going to show her around, take her to lunch,” Sebastian said, surprising me.

Thatcher’s threatening stare as he locked his eyes on his brother made me tense up. It was that look that made me nervous around him. The reminder that he was dangerous was one I needed.

“Were you now?” he asked, his momentary frightening expression turning into a bored one.

“Yeah,” Sebastian replied.

Thatcher shifted his gaze to me. “What do you want, Capri? Stay here with him or leave with me?”

Had he asked me this yesterday, I’d have wanted to go with him. However, after last night, I felt it was better for my mental health to stay with Sebastian. He didn’t make me all fluttery. He was the safe choice.

“I’d like to look around. I saw very little when I was here before.”

Thatcher didn’t seem to care. He turned to Miller, who was still standing there, acting as if he wasn’t listening to this entire conversation. “Media wants an interview with Bloodline’s trainer this afternoon. Should be here by three. Meet them in the clubhouse.”

Miller nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Thatcher put his cigarette between his teeth and turned to walk away. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a sudden urge to run after him and tell him I’d rather go with him. That would make me look pathetic, so I stayed put.

“Ready to go check the place out?” Sebastian asked.

“Yeah,” I replied, glancing back one more time at Thatcher’s retreating form.

• Fifteen •

For now, she needed to be punished.


Although I knew the moment she opened the door to the suite, I didn’t turn to look back at her. I remained on the balcony with my whiskey and smoke.

She’d chosen Sebastian over me today, and at first, I wanted to strangle my little brother until he was in a lifeless heap at my feet. However, after allowing myself to calm down and consider her reasons, I’d settled on the conclusion that she had done it solely because of last night.

I’d needed to fuck, and Cressida knew the rules. No calling, texting, or clinginess. Just fucking. However, I got caught up in a poker game with her brother and his friends in his apartment over the restaurant. She and I didn’t leave for her place until after midnight. I’d not gotten back here until three in the morning.

Capri hadn’t liked it. A grin tugged at the corner of my lips as I took a long pull from my cigarette.

You don’t need to play that game, little doll. It’s not smart to stir the dark shit inside me.

Her footsteps were so damn soft that I’d have missed them if I didn’t find myself so familiar with her every move. Taking a drink, I waited for her to approach me. She’d made her point today. Now, she could be the first one to speak. I rattled her, and I knew it. But fuck if I was gonna make it easy on her when she’d picked my brother over me. There was a price to pay for that.

She cleared her throat, and I had to pull in a smoke to keep from grinning.

Nervous to face me now, aren’t you, little doll?

I didn’t turn around to look at her.

“I, um, I’m back.” She stammered over her words.