“Pumpkin butter!” she squeals, quickly extricating my squirming son from his booster seat with a grunt of effort. I nearly bark out a laugh but manage to choke it down at the last second.
Crew is incredibly tall for his age and built like a dang linebacker, every inch of his small body sturdy as hell. So even though Wren is 5’8 and athletic, she still struggles to cart him around.
He giggles loudly and squishes Wren’s cheeks between his small hands. “Auntie! Can we go see the pumpkins?” he asks excitedly.
She smiles softly at him before nuzzling his cheek, ending the affection with a loud raspberry and making him screech with laughter. “Sorry, butter. Mr. Hendrick isn’t feeling very good today, so we’re going to let him rest up,” she says quietly, an edge of concern sneaking into her tone. “Plus, pumpkins are out of season, silly! Now he’s got strawberries growing!”
Crew continues to chatter animatedly about all the things he wants to do out at Walter’s farm, but a niggle of worry has wormed its way into my chest, hearing the unease lacing my friend’s words.
I’ve gotten to know the old man well the last year or so since Wren moved back because he’s a close friend of their family, and in some ways, he’s like the father I always wished for growing up.
To hear that he’s sick has apprehension bubbling in my gut, and I make a note to call him sooner rather than later.
I watch my son run inside with Finn hot on his heels, but I gently snag Wren by the wrist and hold her back just outside the door. “Is Walt okay?” I try to keep my words to a hushed whisper but can’t help the frantic way they come out.
Her pretty blue eyes widen on mine, and I watch them soften with understanding when she gets a good look at my expression. “He’s okay, Aid. We’re pretty sure it’s just the flu, but I’m taking him to the doctor tomorrow just in case.”
My breath whooshes out in relief and I pull my friend into a grateful hug. Her soft voice meets my ear a second later. “He would tell you if it was something serious, Aidan. Walter would never keep something like that from you, knowing everything you’ve been through.”
Shooting her a strained smile, I take several deep breaths and force my suddenly tense shoulders to relax. I know she’s just trying to help but any mention of my father, brings up things I’d rather not deal with, no matter how abstract. With a silent nod of acknowledgment, I follow her through the foyer and straight into their spacious kitchen.
Where my kitchen is all white marble and sage green cabinets, Wren and Rhodes’s kitchen has dark espresso cabinets and pastel yellow walls, making you feel like you’re outside on a bright South Carolina afternoon.
A smile splits my cheeks when I walk further into the space and lay eyes on my little hooligan. Crew has managed to open the cabinet nearest the pantry door and is feeding the giant gray Newfie a bully stick, his delighted giggles echoing around the room.
Wren sighs in exasperation but still follows them to the floor, doting on the dog and my son as usual.
“So,” she singsongs. “Lost another nanny, did you?”
Her little smirk has me rolling my eyes and leveling her with an unamused look. “This one decided that after puttin’ the raptor in his bed, she’d play dress up and wait in my bed for me to get home from the second half of a grueling two-a-day.”
At least she has the decency to look chagrined while trying to stifle a snort, but she does a piss-poor job of it.
“Sorry, Aid. But wait, won’t they just send somebody from the travel agency over for the season? You made it sound like you were up sh—” She glances at Crew with a grimace. “—sugar creek without a paddle.”
Heaving a long sigh, I sit at the island and drop my head into my hands, using my fingers to massage the renewed throbbing in my temples.
“That’s the thing; they don’t have a single person available on short notice. Not to mention, Crew is almost six. So unless I wanna hire three different people, I need somebody who can double as a nanny, a teacher, and who can move in and travel with us on a moment’s notice.”
Wren is quiet for several long moments, and when I think she isn’t going to respond, her eyes light with excitement. “Okay, before you say no, hear me out! I might just have the perfect idea.”
Well, that rarely ends well.
“What do you mean, you’re letting me go?” I’m grateful my obvious shock seems to mostly cover the panic that colors my tone at my boss’s words.
I’ve been working at Color Me Crazy for over a year now, and I love my job. Sure, it isn’t my dream career or anything, but it’s been instrumental in covering the costs of my living and tuition while I finish university.
Beth’s eyes are watery as she delivers the news, her tone solemn as she grips one of my hands tightly. I barely manage to hold back the flinch, hating that even after almost a year in therapy I still occasionally react this way to sudden touch.
Damn Sebastian for making me fear affection.
“I’m so sorry, honey. I wish I didn’t have to. I’m closing up shop for a while to go be with my pregnant daughter in Georgia.”
Releasing a quiet sigh, I do my best to quell the worry clogging my throat. “I understand. Thank you for taking a chance on me when I needed it, Beth. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to repay you, but if you need anything at all, you’ve got my number.”