The timing of this hearing couldn’t have been more chaotic, considering Ly is 39 weeks pregnant and literally days away from giving birth to our son, but she refused to push it back. She said she wouldn’t be bringing another son of mine into the world until she could legally call the first one hers.
The judge smiles kindly at her before addressing our boy. “Crew Black, are you happy and comfortable living with Lyla as your mother? Do you feel safe, loved, and cared for even with the changes currently happening in your family?”
“Yes, ma’am. Lyla is my mom and the only mom I want. She makes our lives better.” He shrugs like it’s obvious, and I have to hold a hand over my mouth to stifle the chuckle that wants to escape.
Our presiding judge has no such qualms and snickers quietly before addressing me. “As his biological father, do you swear that all documentation regarding parentage and termination of rights for the mother and maternal grandparents are true and were obtained legally and ethically?”
“Yes, Your Honor. Crew’s biological mother terminated her rights shortly after his birth and has been deceased for six years, and in spite of a lengthy court process to have his maternal grandparent’s rights terminated, that paperwork was filed and notarized late last year.”
She nods, shuffling the paperwork on the bench. “And have you considered the fact that you’ll be sharing your son with your wife for the rest of your lives, regardless of your relationship status? These proceedings will give Lyla equal rights to Crew, no exceptions. For all intents and purposes, Lyla will be as good as his biological mother.”
My smile widens. “I understand, and we’ve never wanted anything more.” I reach over to toss an arm over Crew’s shoulders. The kid is growing like a weed and looks more like a pre-teen than the eight-year-old he actually is.
Judge Crowder looks over the three of us with a critical eye, and after several tense minutes, she beams. “It’s not often I see families in my courtroom that share as much love as the three of you so obviously do, and because of that, it is my absolute honor to sign this adoption decree today.”
She signs the paperwork with a flourish, and Lyla begins crying, her hand clutching harder at her belly as she pulls Crew in for a tight hug. “Congratulations, you three. I wish you the very best.”
I can’t see Crew’s face because he has it tucked into Lyla’s shoulder, but his back heaves, letting me know he’s likely crying too. Our adoption attorney has tears glistening in her eyes as she holds up a camera. “Say, ‘Happy Adoption Day!’”
We do, and even though I know it’s going to be a disaster of a picture with all of us red-faced and sobbing, I’ll be framing it as soon as humanly possible. Our friends and family rush us from the gallery with flowers, balloons, and a million congratulations, but Lyla hangs back slightly, her grip on my arm turning painful as her nails dig in.
“Angel, you okay?”
Her face has gone ghostly pale, but just when I start to panic that there’s something wrong, I notice the puddle at our feet. My eyes widen comically and fly to hers, my mouth dropping open. “Oh, shit.”
Wren notices where my attention has gone and inhales sharply. “Alright, Mom and Dad need to go.” She turns to me. “Do you have the bags packed?”
I nod. “I put them in the car weeks ago. We’re ready.”
I expect Lyla to still be panicking but turn to find her crouched down and murmuring with our son. Leaning closer, I’m only just able to hear their words over the din of the excited crowd around us. “I’m sorry you have to share your day with the new baby, Crew-bug. I wanted this to be special just for you.”
His grin is blinding as he hugs her tightly. “It’s okay, Mom. I can’t wait to meet my little brother. This is the best day ever!”
She sniffles, tears still running freely down her face. Her cheeks have filled out a bit during her pregnancy, and while she’s still sinfully sexy all the time, I can’t deny the change makes her look fucking adorable too.
Turning a nervous smile my way, she holds out both hands so I can help her up. If the size of her belly is anything to go by, this baby is going to take after me with his height.
Pulling her into my chest, I kiss her soundly. “You ready to be a Mommy again?”
She smiles nervously, clutching the bottom of her bump. “Let’s go give our boy a brother.”
“Knock, knock,” Wren stage whispers from the doorway of our private room. I know she’s doing her best to hang back and be polite, but I can see her nose and one eye through the crack in the door.
Chuckling, I head to the door to let them in. Mama brought Crew in earlier this morning so we could have some bonding time as a family, and it’s been pure bliss.
Lyla was a trooper and labored without any medication for over twenty hours, but by the end, she was so tired she opted for the epidural just so she could try to regain some strength to go on.
Four hours later, our boy was born. 8 pounds 11 ounces of blond-haired, dark-eyed serenity. Mama and baby are both healthy, and I don’t think I’ve cried so hard since I held Crew for the first time when he was four days old.
Wren, Rhodes, and Cope all make their way into the room with giant smiles on their faces. Wren and Rhodes dart straight for the small bassinet while Copeland makes a beeline for my girl. “Hey tiny, heard you were a warrior last night.”
She beams a tired smile his way as he gently runs a hand over her messy hair. Once upon a time their closeness would have me seething with jealousy, but I’ve grown to be so thankful for their friendship.
Copeland is no less my best friend, but he and Lyla have a special bond that goes beyond just friendship. He treats her like another little sister, and I think both of them need and deserve a relationship like theirs.
“Hey, Uncle Cope.” She grips his hand in hers. “You ready to meet your newest nephew?”
He looks nervous but nods. I can count on one hand the number of times he’s held a baby, and even, then it’s been more than seven years.