Page 43 of Finally Home

She giggles into my side while I fight the urge to gag. “I did warn you that you’d need eye bleach, to be fair. I have to wait for the lawyer to email me confirmation that he got the screenshots so I can delete them.”

I don’t want to look, but it’s like a car crash. You can’t help but stare. “Why does it look like a yam?”

Wren is silent for a few seconds before absolutely screeching with laughter, and that triggers my own. If we weren’t on the bed already, we’d both be on the floor.

“You…said…it looks like…a YAM!” She barely manages to gasp the words out. “Holy shit, that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait to tell Ella.”

I don’t love seeing Monroe’s dick, but I do love her laugh. It always makes her sound so free and happy and with all the stress she’s got on her shoulders, she deserves every moment of happiness.

While she’s distracted, I read through the rest of the texts, getting angrier the more I read. But I do huff when I see his name in her phone. I bet one of the guys did that. The texts start the day she left and from the looks of it, he sends a few every week.

This guy is fucking unhinged.


Sugar, I’m sorry. It was just a one-time thing. Please come home.

Come on, Wren. I apologized. What more do you want? She didn’t mean anything.

Your little attitude is fucking ridiculous. It’s time for you to come home and act like my fucking wife again.

Divorce papers?! Are you fucking SERIOUS? I’m not signing these. Knock off the tantrum and come home now, Wren.


Don’t you miss me, Sugar? I miss you.

It’s been three weeks. Get your ass home or I swear you’ll regret it.

Fine, you asked for it. Your little “friend” won’t want anything to do with your slutty ass when I’m through with you.

I hope you like being sued. I figured it was about time you contributed something since I gave you a place to live and did pretty much everything else for you too.




I spent some quality time with a few of my own “best friends” last night. Good fucking luck ever finding somebody as good as me, whore.

The last message has me furious. Who does he think he is? And what exactly does he hope to accomplish by sending her a video of his dick in yet another woman’s mouth? I know Wren would never stoop so low as to leak these, but he’s pretty fucking stupid to assume she wouldn’t. Or maybe he hopes she will?

“Hey, Starling?”

She lifts her head with a small smile, her laughter having finally subsided. “Yeah, Rho?”

I brush some of her soft hair back again and tuck it behind her ear, leaning down to drop a kiss on her forehead. “I just want you to know that I’m proud of you for not responding, but you’re also willingly taking his abuse, and it kind of seems like you don’t care.”

Her expression shutters. “Well, responding would just provoke him, and I’m not stupid enough to give him ammunition for his lawsuit. Not to mention all the evidence this gives me for our divorce proceedings. If he keeps this up I don’t see any judge in the world granting him more than what he’s legally owed. Initially I was worried he would get a high amount of alimony because I make more than he does, but my lawyer is positive his behavior will negate that. He can’t be sure though because Washington is a no-fault state. If we had gotten married here, it would be different.”

I don’t really understand legalese outside of baseball contracts, so I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Sorry,” she continues, “that means that even though he cheated and there’s evidence, neither of us is at fault for the divorce, and I could still owe him money every month so he can maintain his lifestyle. Normally, a couple would split the assets evenly, which means we would sell the apartment and split the profit, but I was adamant all I want is a clean break.”

Shaking my head, I set her phone on the nightstand and pull her back into my arms. “God, you’re incredible. The fact that you’re even able to function right now is a testament to your strength, Starling. I’m truly in awe of you.”

I can just make out the blush on her cheeks, but when I move in for a kiss, her phone rings. She sits up and leans over me to grab it, her eyes widening as she quickly answers. I can only hear her side of the conversation, but the longer the call goes on, the more nervous she gets.